What is the Global ResourceBank?
The Global ResourceBank allows Teachers to collaboratively share (and import) pre-built Units, Lessons, Tasks and Resources to (and from) all 3,200+ ManageBac schools building on our existing in-school ResourceBank sharing features.
What Resource Bank options are available?
My School will list any Units created on your schools ManageBac account, as well as Lesson Plans, Tasks and Resources tied to those units.
Pamoja Lesson Suite provides teachers with a range of tailor-made resources to use in their classroom, including course content broken down into lessons, student assessment and monitoring tools. A solution to save teachers time on course preparation whilst developing skills in online learning methodologies. To learn more, please see our Pamoja Lesson Suite QuickStart guide here.
Global ResourceBank connects all ManageBac schools around the world, allowing sharing of knowledge and finding common or popular resources. We will be contributing further resources developed by the ManageBac Professional Development & Curriculum Teams in forthcoming releases.
Enabling the Global ResourceBank and Configure Permissions
Via School Settings
An Administrator at your school will need to enable the Global ResourceBank via Settings > School Settings > Global ResourceBank & Pamoja.
Import from the Global ResourceBank and Contribute to the Global ResourceBank
To permit teachers to access and import Units, Lessons, Tasks & Resources shared by other schools and the ManageBac PD team, enable Import Resources, Save Changes.
To permit teachers to share Units, Lessons, Tasks & Resources they have created on ManageBac, which can then be imported by other schools, enable Contribute Resources. Confirm your settings via Save Changes.
Important Notes
- By default the Global ResourceBank feature is disabled, since we need to respect individual school preferences, so if you are a Teacher and do not see this option, please contact your ManageBac administrator.
- Resources added to the Global ResourceBank will fall under Creative Commons licensing: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/
Viewing Contributed Units
To see which units have been shared to the Global ResourceBank, click the View Contributed Units button on the right navigation panel of the Global ResourceBank and Pamoja Settings page.
This shows a list of all submitted for Moderation or approved units and also allows admins to remove Units from the Global ResourceBank directly. You can filter the units by programme (and subject group and grade level within the programme) or unit title in the Filter menu.
How do we share a resource into the Global ResourceBank?
Contribute a Unit
For a unit, you can navigate to the units Planner tab and Click Share via Global ResourceBank on the right navigation panel of the Unit.
A pop-up message will ask teachers to acknowledge that they are submitting this unit for ManageBac Moderation and to be shared globally among all ManageBac schools.
This will change the status of the unit on the right navigation panel to Submitted, which means the is now waiting for review before being added to the Global ResourceBank.
Once the unit has been approved and added to the Global ResourceBank, you will see the status change to Shared.
How do we import resources from the Global ResourceBank?
Within your Class Task & Unit Roster or within an individual Unit, you can access the ResourceBank, which is organized by Subject – this feature will allow you to flexibly share Lessons, Tasks & Resources across classes.
Import Complete Units & Resources via your Task & Unit Roster
Navigate to your Class > Tasks & Units > Import Unit & Resources. Use this option to import complete Units, Tasks, Lesson Experiences and Resources.
Import Resources to your selected Unit via Stream & Resources
You can also navigate to a Unit > Steam & Resources > Import Resource to add content to an existing unit, including Tasks, Lesson Experiences and Resources.
By default, you will see your My School option. Depending on what features your school has enabled, you will optionally see the Pamoja Lesson Suite and Global ResourceBank options.
Importing Resources from the Global ResourceBank
First, select My School, Pamoja Lesson Suite or Global ResourceBank to access the relevant bank of resources. Please see an example here:
Import a unit:
Under Select a Unit, tick the radio button to select a full Unit. This option will import the Unit and the number of Lesson Plans & Resources listed. Search via keywords to find a particular unit.
Import Lesson experience:
Under Select Lesson Experiences, you can select a single or multiple lesson experiences by clicking on the name of the Lesson. Selecting the Lesson Experience will enable all items in the Stream by default.
As Lessons and Streams are unique to the unit in each class, you can also view those Lessons and Streams in other class sections via the class dropdown.
Customize your Stream
Under Customize Your Stream you can individually select or deselect the resources by enabling or disabling the box to the left of it. Quickly select All or None at the top-right.
For Tasks, you can optionally import as Draft and set a due date.
Confirmation of Import
At the bottom of the page a confirmation on the number of Experiences and Resources being imported will display.
Enable Proceed with Import at the bottom of the page. To import another unit or resource, click on Proceed with Import and Next.
Frequently Asked Questions
> What fields get shared / imported?
What fields get shared with a Unit?
All fields in the unit planner will be shared except Standards and Reflections.
What fields get shared with a Task?
Task title, due date, category, type, description, resources, and assessment options are all shared.
What fields get shared with a Lesson Experience?
Title, start date, end date, description, and teacher notes.
What fields get shared with Resources such as Files, Images, Website links
The resource itself (File, Image, Website), title and description.
Does this mean ManageBac now supports copying a unit?
The ability to copy a complete unit within your school is something we will look to support following the Global ResourceBank release. Please stay tuned for further updates.
What happens if a Unit in the bank has a Unit template different from our schools?
All the data from the unit is copied (except the ones mentioned in question 1) and your template remains unchanged.
> How is private information handled?
What if we have Google Task templates in our Tasks, do they get shared?
No, Google Task templates are not shared when importing Resources.
What if we have Zoom links in online lessons in the Stream, do they get shared?
No, Zoom links in online lessons are not shared when importing Resources. If a Zoom account is linked to your account we will generate a new link or you can specify your own.
Do our selected Standards get shared? These are specific to our school
A school’s programme standards are not shared.
Do ongoing and prior to the unit / after the unit Reflections get shared with the unit?
No, reflections are not shared when importing Units.
Do authors details such as name, school and email get shared into the Global ResourceBank, or is it anonymous?
Only the name of the user that made the latest contribution to the unit is mentioned. No other personal information is shared.
If we share a task, are any details of our students shared with the resource?
No information about your class or students taking the task will be shared with the resource. Only fields on the Task itself will be shared into the Global ResourceBank.
> How are permission options handled?
If we decide to disable Import Resources permissions, what happens to resources we have already imported to our schools ManageBac account?
When you import a resource to your schools ManageBac account, it essentially creates a copy of the original resource. You can then proceed to make edits without impacting the original in the Global ResourceBank.
Thus, if you do decide to turn off access to Import Resources, all previously imported resources on your account will remain and will not be affected. No further resources will be able to be imported until this permission is re-enabled.
If we decide to disable Contribute To permissions, what happens to the resources we have already shared to the Global ResourceBank?
Content that has been shared to the Global ResourceBank will remain in the bank, however no further resources will be able to be shared until this permission is re-enabled.
Can we permit only certain teachers the ability to share resources to or import resources from the Global ResourceBank ?
No, this is set school-wide for your school if enabled. This means any teacher or administrator may share the resource into or download resources from the Global ResourceBank.
Does enabling the Contribute To automatically share all our school resources into the Global ResourceBank?
No, you can individually share a Unit via the Units Planner tab > Summary > Edit Section > Enable “Share Unit via Global ResourceBank” > Save Changes. The user who shares will be resourced for future reference.
This will share the Unit and any resources found under the Stream & Resources section of the unit, such as Lesson Plans, Tasks and Resources (Files, Images, Links etc).
Can we share a Unit only but not the Stream & Resources?
Any items in the Stream will be shared automatically at the time that the unit was added to the Global ResourceBank. Thus if you only wish to share a copy of the Unit without Resources, either:
- Share the unit prior to adding Resources into the Stream or
- Remove resources in the Stream down to your School ResourceBank. These are not shared with the Unit, and thus only the Unit and an empty Stream will be shared.
> How can we search and filter for resources?
Can we filter the Global ResourceBank by By Region? By Language? By Author?
We will look to expand filtering in future updates. For now, units and resources may be searched by.
Can we filter the Global ResourceBank by programme? By Grade?
When accessing the Global ResourceBank, the regular programme, subject and grade filters that function on ManageBac will be in place. For example, when navigating to Import ResourceBank > Global from a DP Language and Literature: English Grade 11 class, you will be presented with resources matching this, example:
- Programme: IB Diploma
- Subject Group: Language & Literature
- Subject: English
- Grade: 11 / DP 1
How do we add to My School ?
Any resource created on your schools account automatically gets added into My School.
Can we review resources before importing them?
You can view details of Lesson Experiences and Resources in the Import page prior to confirming importing.
Does importing from the Global ResourceBank automatically share those resources to all classes the unit is shared to?
The Stream & Resources tab of a unit is customized on a class-by-class basis. Thus, you will need to import these to each class accordingly.
If we import from the Global ResourceBank, at what stage does that then get added to our My School?
You can access the imported unit under My School and original unit under Global ResourceBank.
> How are versions / revisions handled?
Can we replace a version in the Global ResourceBank with a latest version? We have improved it since and want to make a revision
The ManageBac Moderation team will review all updates to the unit and approve the changes.
If I draft or archive a unit on my account, does it draft, archive or remove it from the Global ResourceBank?
- Drafting hides a unit from your classes schedule. It does not impact the unit in any other class section at your school.
- Archiving hides a unit from all classes on your schools account. They can be unarchived in future if you wish to use the unit once more.
- Deleting a unit will delete the unit forever from all classes, sections and grade levels at your school.
- Drafting, Archiving and Deleting do not impact the previously shared resource in the Global ResourceBank. i.e: once you share a resource into the Global ResourceBank, it makes a copy and any further changes on your school’s local copy have no impact on the shared copy.
If we delete a user at our school, does it delete their contributions to any of the banks?
- Content shared to the Global ResourceBank will not be impacted.
- Content shared to My School such as Units and Tasks will not be impacted.
- Personally entered content such as Messages, Grades etc will be removed. We recommend to archive a user if they are no longer at your school, which will maintain all data they created.
How can we remove a resource from the ResourceBank? It was shared accidentally / contains private information etc
In the Summary section of the Unit, disable the Share Unit via Global ResourceBank.
> How is the Global ResourceBank maintained?
Does ManageBac review resources before they are added into the Global Resource Bank? Is there any filter in place for quality?
Yes, the ManageBac Moderation team will review each unit before it is added to the Global ResourceBank. The Moderation team is responsible for ensuring that each unit meets a certain threshold of quality.
Are the resources shared into the Global ResourceBank IB exemplars?
No, the ManageBac Moderation team are filtering for basic data quality aspects, such as is the resource full and complete, is there any personal information shared, is there any offensive material etc.
Can we comment on, rate or give feedback on resources in the Global ResourceBank? Can we receive any feedback on our resources?
No, but this is in the plan for the future.
How can we communicate with those we have sourced and thank them for their great help!
To ensure the privacy of the teachers that choose to contribute their Units and Resources there will be no way to communicate with them
Can I share a link or code to my unit to a colleague from another school?
No, but we will consider this for the future.
> Copyright & Licensing
Can we place a copyright marker on the resources we are sharing?
By sharing Units you are agreeing to have that work distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 International License. As a result, users cannot place copyright markers on the content.
Will resources shared into the Global ResourceBank only be permitted to be used on ManageBac, or can they be downloaded or exported?
There will be no restrictions on downloading or exporting imported content.