Navigating to the Stream & Resources
Navigate to your Class > Tasks & Units > Unit, and click the Stream & Resources button to open the Unit Stream and Resources page.
You can add new Resources to the unit via the Add Resource button. A variety of different resource types are available as shown here.
Uploading a new resource to the unit will allow teachers to decide whether the resource should be directly shared with students and parents via the Stream or only be added to Resources list of the unit.
Importing from My School ResourceBank
Importing Resource allows you to add unit stream and lesson experiences from other classes where the unit also appears.
1. Select the Unit where the Stream and Lesson Experiences needs to be imported from.
2. Select which class the Lesson Experience is created in.
3. Select which Lesson Experiences to import and which resources in those to import.
4. Proceed to import or click Proceed and import Next if you want to add additional Lesson Experiences to this unit.
This will add these resources to your unit and resources section.
Using the Assessment Task button at the top of the Stream & Resources page will lead you to the Assessment tab to create a new Task for the unit. The Task will be added to the Stream of the unit directly. But if the Task is marked as Draft, it will not be visible to students and parents.
Use the Lesson Experience button at the top of the Stream to create plans that resources in the Stream can be added to and organised with.
Enter a Title, Description and hours as needed. This allows you to organise the stream across Weeks, Topics or even Learning Support individualised learning sections and will show the resources relevant to each plan.
Use arrow buttons in the Stream and Resources sections to move resources between the two areas. Resources can be dragged and dropped within the Stream section.
Filter the linked resources by type to quickly find resources that need to be added to the Stream.
Three vertical dots will show additional options for each resource.
Adding Resources to Tasks
Once a Task was created, it will also allow teachers to add Task specific resources using the Add Resource button.
Any resource that was added to the Resources section of a unit will be available to be added to Tasks linked to the same Unit in the Link Unit Resources pop-up menu. The Link Unit Resources button will only appear if the Task is linked to a Unit with Resources tied to the unit.
Select any Resources you wish to add to the Task and click Save Changes at the bottom of the pop-up screen.
Alternative workflow for Unit resources and Tasks
Alternatively, if you have many class sections doing the same task, you can also add resources and tasks in the following method:
- Teachers create a unit and post resources to the unit.
- Teachers then create tasks in multiple class sections using the Additional Classes section at the bottom of any Task that is being created by a teacher in additional classes of the same subject and grade level.
- Tasks are added to the Resources section of the linked unit in all class sections automatically.
- Teachers can navigate into the unit and Stream & Resources page to add any unit resources related to the Task from unit Resources list to the Stream ahead of Task itself to create sequence of learning.
Items added to the Stream are visible for parents and students from the Class Overview or Units tab respectively. - Teachers repeat the organising of resources and tasks in unit streams in additional class sections by clicking arrow buttons and dragging and dropping items into the desired sequence on the Stream.
Adding Resources from the Global ResourceBank
Please see our Global ResourceBank guide for further details on sharing and contributing resources to the ManageBac Global ResourceBank.