Creating Unit Planners Video Tutorial
FariaPD QuickStart Guide: Creating Unit Templates that Work
For Non-IB Programmes in ManageBac - Click Below!
Creating a Unit
Via the Tasks & Units tab in your class
- Create a Title for your unit
Select the start month and week and duration of the unit in weeks
- Description - Add descriptive text to your unit plan
- Click Create Unit and Add Resources. This will create the unit and allow you to add further details in the unit planner. Note: Units will automatically be shared with other classes of the same subject and grade level
Editing Existing Units
C1 unit planners can be enhanced by adding further subject, programme and school content. To edit a unit, please navigate to the Class > Tasks & Units > select a Unit.
Within the Unit, you can select any of the following tabs: At-A-Glance, Planner, Stream & Resources, Assessment.
At-a-Glance: Provides a read-only unit summary view. This represents what a Student or Parent sees when accessing the unit. Upload a cover image to enhance visibility. The cover image can be resized and moved to fit the At-a-Glance image field.
Planner: An in-line edit mode allowing you to browse the full unit while editing. This is the page where all unit planning takes place and where all the content for each section of the unit has to be submitted.
Stream & Resources: Add Resources, group Tasks and organize these in Lesson Experience streams.
Assessments: Add Tasks and assessment coverage details
Collaborative Planning
See if your colleagues are on ManageBac and if they are editing a unit section with the in real-time. Your name will appear in Orange, with your colleagues names in Blue.
You can also see edits from colleagues reflected in real-time without having to refresh the planner. Either Save Changes or Discard to undo unwanted edits.
Multiple teachers can plan and work collaboratively on the Planner, similar to Google Docs. The section they are editing will appear under the Authors section, with their name also appearing on the section in the planner. An “Edit Lock” feature prevents accidental overwriting, with teachers able to edit different sections at the same time and the edit section button being disabled if another teacher is editing.
Section Navigational Tips
Unit Outline: A menu streamlining navigation, providing a snapshot of overall progress, and quick links to navigate throughout the planner.
Ongoing Reflections: Click the speech bubble icon to open the right-hand side Reflection section. @Mention colleagues to bring them in to the conversation and leave reflections throughout the unit.
User Mentions: Teachers can @Mention other teachers and admins within unit reflections. This includes unit reflections for all unit components on the Unit Planner (Curriculum, Connections, ATL Skills, etc).
Share & Star: Click the 3 dots icon in any section of the planner to share a direct link to your colleagues, or star a section to highlight it.
View other Units : Click the unit name in the Summary section to quickly navigate to other units in the class to cross-reference your planning.
Editing Sections on the Planner
In the Curriculum section, you can select appropriate Aims, Objectives and Syllabus points for the unit. Aims, Objectives and Syllabus are pre-loaded and available for all Pearson and Cambridge subjects for example.
To add aims, objectives and syllabus points to your unit planner select the desired ones and click Save Changes for the section.
Curriculum Where are Aims, Objectives & Syllabus added from?
Aims, Objectives & Syllabus content can be updated via your Programme Settings. These can be accessed via Settings > select Programme > Curriculum > Standards:
Assessment, Learning Experiences, Connections, Reflections
For the rest of the sections, you are able to add guidance in the form of text through the text editor and select checkboxes for certain skills, dispositions, etc.
After customising the unit planner content in one section make sure to click Save Changes. The system will not let anyone else edit the section as long as you are still editing it.
Adding Standards and Benchmarks
School administrators may add their own standards and benchmarks into ManageBac, which will then be available for teachers to select from within the unit plan templates. To select standards in a unit, navigate to Curriculum > Standards > Click Edit Section to select the available standards for the unit.
- Click on Add Standards
- Filter for the desired standards using the Standards Set, Subject, and Grade drop downs.
- Select the desired standards. The green standards represent standards that are already selected in the unit.
- Click Add Standards to add the standards to the unit or Add & Continue to add the standards and then select more standards
If you do not see the standards you want to use within the Add Standards process, it may mean your school administrators have not yet enabled them as an option. Please contact an administrator, who will need to follow our Enabling Standards process here.
Customising Unit Plan templates
Remember to click Save Changes at the bottom of the page to update all existing units of the template.