How can I add myself or my colleagues as Unit Authors?
Same subject teachers from different classes can be added as co-authors
Units are shared with any class of the same subject & grade level. Teachers can be added as Authors of units if they teach a class of the same subject & grade level of the unit.
Adding Unit Authors
Administrators and current authors of units can add authors to units by navigating to the unit in question and clicking Add Author on the right navigation panel.
Select the author from the dropdown menu list and click Add Author. If you see "no available authors", or are unable to find the teacher in the list, please ensure they are assigned as a teacher to a class of the same grade and subject as the unit.
When you are a teacher of a class of the same subject & grade level of the unit; you will have access to view and add yourself as an author of the Unit.
How are Units Shared?
It's important to understand that Units are automatically shared with classes of the same subject and grade level on ManageBac, as well as automatically carried over to the next academic year. This means that you can continue to use the same units in multiple classes and over many years if you wish to do so.
Any teacher of a class of the same subject and grade level of the unit, will find the units automatically populate under the class' units tab. Thus there is essentially only 1 iteration of the unit, and any changes made are reflected on the unit no matter which class accesses it.
Units have been configured in this way to drive collaborative planning, sharing of resources and streams, and saving teacher's time to focus on in-class teaching.
Are Units specific to a class?
- Units are not class-specific: meaning that if you edit, archive or delete a Unit in one class, it will also edit, archive or delete the Unit from all classes it's shared with. The benefit of this means that you can save time and collaboratively plan units with multiple authors across different class sections.
- Units are not tied to a class: meaning that if you edit, archive or delete a Class, it will not impact the Unit. The Unit will still be accessible from any class that matches the subject and grade level of the unit.
- Units are not term / academic year specific: and do not need to be transitioned. Units automatically carry over from year to year, meaning as soon as you have your class setup for the new term, your units will be ready for you. The Reflections tab provides an academic term dropdown, to permit recording of historical notes and changes of the unit over time.
- Differentiated delivery: The Stream & Resources tab of a unit is unique to each class however, permitting teachers to configure Lesson Plans, Tasks & Resources catered to the needs of that specific class section or grade level. If you wish to share a Lesson Plan, Task or Resource across units, you can directly import the entire Stream from one class to another, or add in specific Resources via the Import Resources button.
How can I manage Units with multiple classes and authors?
- Active - If a unit is Active, it will appear in your classes' Unit List and Calendar view.
- Draft (Class-specific hidden)- If there is a unit shared with your class that you don't want to use, you can mark it as a Draft to hide it, while leaving it unaffected in other classes. Drafted units are not visible to Students & Parents, and thus this status may also be used to prepare incomplete units prior to sharing with your community.
- Archive (School-wide hidden) - If there is a unit you wish to remove from all classes, as it's no longer being taught, you can Archive it. Archived units can be accessed in the future and made Active if needed.
- Delete Unit (School-wide, Permanent)- Please note: Deleting a unit will remove the unit and all of its content entirely and cannot be restored.
Hiding & Finding Units
Via your Class > Tasks & Units
Select the class from the Classes tab. Click on the Tasks & Units tab to view all units currently shared in your class. To find units marked as Draft or Archived, tick the Show draft and archived units box and click Filter in your units list. This will bring up all drafted and archived units. You can un-draft a unit by clicking the Active button.
Click Show Stream & Resources to expand the list of items in the Unit Stream. You can move the items around using the cursor icon for each item listed on the left. You can further edit or use each item via the vertical 3 dots menu.
Each Unit will show how many Online Lessons (learn more about Conducting Online Lessons in our tutorial) and Tasks are linked to the unit.
Via a Unit > Planner > Summary section
Teachers can also mark units as Draft or Archived in the Summary section of any unit. Select the Unit title from the Units list. Then open the Planner tab and click Edit Section for Summary. Tick the box for Draft to hide this unit from the unit list of the class. Unmarking a unit from Draft can be done in the same process. Then, click Save Changes to apply changes made.
> Drafting a Unit / Hide from your Class
Mark unit plans as draft by navigating to Tasks & Units > select your unit > under the Planner tab, in the Summary section click Edit Section > Draft > Save Changes.
Drafting a unit will remove it from your classes unit calendar only. It will not impact the unit from showing in other classes. Drafting also hides the unit from students & parents.
Locating Draft Units
If a unit plan is not appearing in your class gradebook, please check to ensure that the unit is not drafted.
Navigate to your class > Tasks & Units > tick "Show draft and archived units" > Filter. Draft units will appear with a draft symbol in the unit list. Select the unit to edit and un-draft the unit plan if you wish to populate it back into the class schedule.
> Archiving a Unit / Hide from all Classes
Mark unit plans as archived by navigating to Tasks & Units > select your unit > under the Planner tab, in the Summary section click Edit Section > Archived > Save Changes
Archiving a unit will remove it from all classes' unit calendars. It will be stored in the archived units repository on the Curriculum tab. Archiving hides the unit from all students, parents and teachers within the classroom.
Locating Archived Units
Navigate to your class > Tasks & Units > tick "Show draft and archived units" > Filter. Archived units will appear with an envelope archive symbol in the unit list. Select the unit to edit and un-draft the unit plan if you wish to populate it back into the class schedule.
Archiving & Unarchiving units via the Curriculum View
Archived units can be accessed via the Whole School Curriculum; from your left navigational menu panel go to Curriculum > Whole School Curriculum > IB Diploma Years > select your grade; you can find the unit on the right-hand panel under the heading, "ARCHIVED UNITS." To unarchive the unit click on the icon next to the unit name.
Deleting a Unit
It is not recommended to delete units, unless they have accidentally been created, have no data in them, or were created for testing purposes.
You can delete a unit by Navigating to your class > Tasks & Units tab > select the unit > Delete Unit.
Please Note: This is final and complete, it is not possible to restore a deleted unit.
My Unit is Lost
If you're having difficulty locating a unit plan in a class, it's most likely either archived or the subject and year level are not matching the subject and year level of your class. Here are some tips on how to troubleshoot.
Step 1: Perform a Global Search via Curriculum
Navigate to the Whole School Curriculum via Curriculum, select your programme (e.g. Middle Years), make sure all Subjects are selected, and click Export to PDF.
Do a hot search / control-F 'Find' to search for the name of the unit. It could be that the unit is under a different subject or year level than where it needs to be.
If you are not finding the unit plan, it could be that it was archived, deleted, or the name was edited.
Step 2: Filter by Subject & Year level
Back on the Whole School Curriculum, filter by subject & year level. Once you find the unit, click the Pencil icon to navigate into the unit, where you can then edit the unit plan to configure the unit to match the subject and year level of the class you want to share it with.
Important Note:
If there is no pencil icon, it means there is no class of a matching subject or year level on your account and you will need to create a new class from which to edit the unit plan. Create a new class via Classes > Add New Class. Once the class is created, click on the class Tasks & Units tab and edit the subject / year level of the unit plan as needed.
If the subject is not available on the right navigation panel, it means that the subject is not enabled in your Programme settings. You will need to first enable the subject via Settings > Diploma / Middle Years Programme > Subjects.
Step 3: Unarchiving Unit Plans
If the unit plan is not appearing in the Export to PDF, it may be in your archives. Filter by year level to see the archived unit plans tied to that year level under the Archived Units header on the right navigation panel. Click the unarchive icon to unarchive.
How to be sure the subject & year level of the class match the unit plan.
Check the subject and year level of the class via the class Overview tab.
Check the subject and year level of the unit by navigating to the unit. Click Edit Unit Plan if you need to change the subject or year level so that the unit is shared with a different class.
What can Students & Parents see of Units?
- Students and Parents are only able to view Active Units. Drafted and Archived Units will not appear on the Student and Parent user interface.
- The At-a-Glance view represents what a Student or Parent can see of a Unit, essentially the Stage 1 view of the planner.
- Students and Parents will also be able to see any resources or lesson experiences organised within the Stream View.
Saving & Downloading a Unit Copy
You are able to export a copy of a specific unit plan within your class.
Navigate to your unit within your class or by using the Global Search bar and click Generate PDF Planner on the right-hand menu. This will generate a copy of your unit that you are able to store locally to reference what was taught during the academic year. This can also be the copy you take with you if you change schools.
Tick Export with all Reflections to include your units historical comments from past academic years.
You are also able to Bulk Generate PDF Planners for an entire subject group.
Changing Unit Template, Subject & Grade Level
A section is missing from my unit, where can I enable it?
Navigate to Settings > Select the relevant programme > Curriculum > Unit Planner Template. To turn sections of your unit plan template on or off, tick or untick the boxes listed under the Plan box on the right-hand menu.
Each area listed in the unit plan template can be given customised titles and hints to better match your school's vocabulary. Once done, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
I want to change the template for my unit
To change the template that your unit is using, navigate to the unit > click the Planner section > under Summary click Edit Section. Here, under Unit Template, you can select from the available templates in your account under and Save Changes.
I want to change the grade of my unit
You can share the unit across grade levels by navigating to the Unit > Planner Tab > Summary section click Edit Section. Here, under Share with, you can select additional grades to share the unit.
If you would like to change the default grade of the unit, please reach out to the support team at with a direct link to the unit, and the grade the unit should be changed to.
I want to change the subject of my unit
To change the subject of the unit, please reach out to the support team at with a direct link to the unit, and the name of the subject the unit should be changed to.
Note: units are shared to classes of the same subject and grade. Any changes to these items will be reflected within the classes.