Viewing the Primary Years POI
Via Curriculum > IB Primary Years > Programme of Inquiry, you can view the complete POI across all PYP year levels.
Click on a unit to expand the view for that particular unit, or click the year level to expand all units.
Click Filter to filter for a particular subject or year level.
You can also export the entire POI to PDF via the Export to PDF link on the right navigation panel.
Viewing the Unit Calendar
Within your class' Tasks & Units tab, you can view all units in a Unit Calendar, where units fall according to their start week and duration. You are also able to filter the units visible in the calendar by Subjects linked to them.
Then hover over 'i' icon next to each unit title will expand relevant unit information and allow for direct access to the Unit Plan.
Viewing PYP Unit Analytics
You can access IB PYP Unit Analytics via Curriculum Analytics > IB Primary Years and the different analytical elements at the bottom of the page. Please see below for two example elements.
Viewing the Curriculum Digest
We have included an option to view Curriculum Digest information via Curriculum > IB Primary Years > Curriculum Digest. This will allow you to see changes made to any IB PYP unit plans, within the current week.
Viewing Scope & Sequence
A view of covered and available Scope & Sequences in units by Scope & Sequence subject is available via the Curriculum Analytics > Scope & Sequences, for example.
Exporting the covered Scope & Sequences
The Scope & Sequence data for review of which elements are covered per phase/grade and subject can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet via Settings > IB Primary Years > Curriculum > Standards > Scope & Sequences > Export to Excel on the right navigation panel.
This will show the Scope & Sequences per subject and uses check marks to indicate which of the data points have been selected for coverages in unit plans.