- Grading Standards
- Update Individual Web View Report Cards
- User Tags
- Updated Process in Units to Add Standards
- New Notification Stream
- New UI on Android & iOS Apps
- May 2024 TOK Essay Prescribed Titles Updated
- Updated Mobile Timetable View
- iOS Home & Widget update
- Certification now for MYP & PYP!
- Multiple Advisors
- Lite Design
- Android Updates: Tasks & Units Roster for Students
- IB DP Language & Culture Pilot
- IB DP November 2023 Exams Calendar available to set
- Parent UI Widgets
- Teacher UI Widgets
- New Year Rollover
- ATLs export
- ChangeLog
- Custom Widgets
- New Widgets
- Mobile Widgets
- File Uploads
- Mobile Stream
- Mobile Task Editor
- New Android Search
- New Sciences Resources
- Mobile Chat Updates
- Multi-Curricula Reports
- Quick Links
- November 2023 TOK Prescribed Titles Updated
- IB DP May 2023 Exams Calendar available to set
- May 2023 Candidate Session Numbers
- New main menu layout available for all users
- ManageBac Certification
- Task Grade Exports
- Bulk update Student Emails
- Bulk export Hide Reports lists
Standards-based Grading in Term Grades pages
December 11, 2023
We are excited to announce that we released the ability for non-PYP classes to select and assess Standards per academic Term via the Term Grades pages of Classes.
The selected and assessed Standards can also be included in any next generation Report Cards via the Assessment component in them. This is not available for the PDF Legacy Report Cards.
Please see our Standards-based Grading in Term Grades pages of Gradebook guide for step by step directions on how to configure standards for assessment in each Class.
Update Individual Web View Report Cards
November 16, 2023
With the introduction of web view report cards earlier this year, we also needed to provide a way for schools to potentially update individual web view report cards after the set of reports was generated.
This is now possible via the Reporting > Generate Reports > Update Individual Report Card page.
Select the appropriate academic programme (1), term (2), student (3) and generated (4) report card (this should show the "Next Gen Reports" tag for web view reports).
Next select your report template (5) to update this report with as well as the title (6) of the updated report and naming conventions and preparation date (7).
Then feel free to preview (8) the updated report card before clicking the (9) Update Individual Report button.
No new Report notifications for students or parents will be sent for any updated individual report cards.
See our Reports: Editing Report Card Templates & Publishing guide for more information.
User Tags & Mentions
November 10, 2023
User Mentions enables users to seamlessly tag other users within designated contexts, providing an additional option for effective communication. By typing '@', a dropdown menu appears listing available users for tagging. Once tagged, a notification is sent to the recipient of the message facilitating quick access and engagement.
Settings & Permissions
User Mention settings have been added under Settings > School Settings, allowing admins to enable or disable User Mentions for students and parents. If enabled, students can @Mention other students, teachers, and admins exclusively within Class, Year Group, and Group discussions. Parents can @Mention teachers and admins within Parents Association discussions. User Mentions are always enabled for admins and teachers.
User Mention Locations
User Mentions are available in the following contexts:
Class, Year Group, Group Discussions
- Users can tag other users within Class, Year Group, and Group discussions. This includes discussion comments and replies.
- User Scope: Users can only tag non-archived users who belong to the Class, Year Group, or Group in the discussion that was posted.
- If a discussion is marked as “private”, only the discussion author or teachers can be tagged.
Unit Reflections
- Teachers can tag other teachers and admins within unit reflections. This includes reflections for all unit components on the Unit Planner (Curriculum, Connections, ATL Skills, etc).
User Scope:
- All Admins
- Teachers who are members of the classes, by subject and grade.
Task, Deadline, Event, Online Lesson, and IA Discussions
- Users can mention other users within Task, Deadline, Event, Online Lesson, and IA Discussions. This includes discussion comments and replies.
User Scope:
- Teachers who are members of the Class, Year Group, or Group.
- If Student Differentiation is enabled, only selected students are included in the scope of students that can be tagged.
- If a discussion is set to “private”, only teachers or the author of the discussion are taggable.
User Mention Notifications
Users will receive a notification shortly after being mentioned in a discussion thread or unit reflection. This notification will display the author’s name, location (Class, Year Group, or Group), and a preview of the message. When clicked, each notification will direct users to the message they were tagged on.
We hope this improves collaboration across your school community on ManageBac!
Updated Process in Units to Add Standards
November 6, 2023
The process to add Standards to Unit Plans has been updated to make the selection easier and more efficient. Teachers can now select among all School specific or Standards Repository added standard sets directly in their units without needing to first configure standards sets per unit.
0. Edit the Curriculum section of any unit and select the "Standards & Benchmarks" tab.
1. Select Add Standards
2. Select the Standards set and subject to choose standards from.
3. Select the applicable standards for this unit.
4. Add Standards to the unit to return to the editing page of the Standards & Benchmarks tab or Add & Continue to select more standards.
Once the selected Standards have been added to the unit, removal of "added" standards has to happen from the editing page of the Standards & Benchmarks tab. Lock in all selections and removal of standards using Save Changes.
You can read more about the process of Standards in ManageBac in our Adding Standards as an Administrator help article.
New Notification Stream
October 25, 2023
We're excited to announce we’ve released redesigned, native iOS pages for Messages & Notifications. These pages were redesigned with a mobile-first approach. We’ve focused on optimizing the user interface for quickly checking and managing notifications on iPhones and iPads.
Notification Stream
Similar to the ManageBac on the web, the notification stream is organized into three sections, New for You, Starred, and Previous Notifications. For improved clarity and ease of navigation, we have included sticky headers for each section. These headers remain visible as you scroll through your notifications. For added convenience, we’ve added a See All button beside each section. This takes you to a dedicated page displaying all notifications that belong to the section. You can Star or mark notifications as read from the menu on each notification card.
Notification Page
When a notification is selected, you will be directed to the Notification page. This page will display the full contents of the notification. In some cases, selecting a notification will take users directly to the relevant page the notification references. For example, the New Task notification will direct you to the new task that was created. This provides direct access to the page that’s referenced on the notification.
New UI on Android & iOS Apps
October 13, 2023
We're happy to announce we’ve released a new update for the Android and iOS apps. The user interface for both platforms has been revamped, with refreshed fonts, styles, and colours.
These updated styles align with the new UI refresh that was released on the web version of ManageBac. These updated styles aim to enhance the overall usability and readability of the app. This update also includes bug fixes for both platforms.
For the Android app, we’ve released native Timetables pages providing teachers with clear visibility into their daily and weekly schedules. These are the same redesigned pages that were released for students.
May 2024 TOK Essay Prescribed Titles Updated
September 21, 2023
The TOK Essay prescribed titles were updated for all TOK Essay project-based learning templates that were imported from our template library. Students in November session schools will now see the updated May 2024 titles when editing their TOK Essay Proposals. These were updated in English and Spanish.
Schools who previously edited their TOK prescribed titles via Settings > IB Diploma > Project-based Learning > TOK Essay template > Framework > Proposal, will not have received this update to not overwrite the custom data entered.
Prescribed titles can be edited via the Framework page of the TOK Essay template in Settings and by selecting the 3 dot button. Please see Configuring & Enabling Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Worksheets for further information on how to customise project templates.
Updated Mobile Timetable View
September 19, 2023
We are happy to announce we’ve released a new Timetable page for Students and Parents. This update aims to provide clear visibility into a student’s daily and weekly schedule.
Day & Week View
The day and week views provide an easy-to-read, mobile-friendly view of students’ daily and weekly Timetables. These views enhance accessibility and ease of use for users managing their schedules.
Class Popover
Students and parents can seamlessly access class details by clicking on a specific class listed on the user’s timetable. This will trigger a Class Details page containing essential class information including the list of teachers with their contact information.
Note: Due to the availability of extra space, the week view is only available for iPads, providing an extended level of convenience for users on iPads. We welcome any feedback on this release!
iOS Home & Widget update
September 13, 2023
An At-a-Glance Overview of What’s Important for You
We are excited to announce a series of enhancements that bring a new level of functionality and personalisation to the ManageBac application for iOS. With a focus on enriching the experiences of students, teachers and parents, these updates cater to diverse user needs within the educational ecosystem.
Whether it’s the revamped homepage customisation or the introduction of a variety of new widgets, the intention is to make essential information stand out and provide a quick snapshot of what truly matters. These latest updates aim to streamline interactions, enhance navigation and empower users with fast access to all the information that is relevant to them.
Certification now for MYP & PYP!
September 12, 2023
As the middle level to our full ManageBac Certification, the Certified Educator programme aims to foster a culture of continuous learning within the ManageBac community. It is designed to equip administrators and teachers involved in the delivery of the different International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes with the essential skills and knowledge to proficiently utilise the ManageBac platform.
Now offering 6 courses, read more about the new courses just released for the IB Middle Years and Primary Years Programmes!
Multiple Homeroom Advisors
September 8, 2023
We are delighted to announce support for the ability to assign Multiple Homeroom Advisors to individual students.
- Access In this first phase release, additional homeroom advisors have the ability to record students’ Homeroom Attendance. Their contact details will appear on the student’s Profile page, Plan Worksheet, Portfolio, and Key Contacts Widget.
- Enable Admins can enable or disable this feature by checking the Enable Additional Homeroom Advisors checkbox under Settings > Security & Permissions.
Managing your Students
- After assigning additional homeroom advisors, assigned students are added to the advisor’s Homeroom Attendance page. On the Homeroom Attendance page, students are organized into three lists:
- Your Students: This list organises students assigned to the advisor as the primary homeroom advisor.
- Additional Homeroom Advisor Students: This list organises students assigned to the advisor as the secondary/additional homeroom advisor.
- Classroom Students (PYP): This list is only displayed to PYP advisors when the Enable Substitute Recording checkbox is enabled on the PYP Attendance Settings page.
- After assigning additional homeroom advisors, assigned students are added to the advisor’s Homeroom Attendance page. On the Homeroom Attendance page, students are organized into three lists:
Assigning Multiple Homeroom Advisors
- Individually Via a Year Group > Members > Homeroom Advisors, you will now find a new column for assigning additional Homeroom Advisors. This is a multi-select dropdown menu for each student. Note: The primary homeroom advisor can’t be assigned as the additional homeroom advisor.
- In Bulk: Assign through the Bulk Assign Students import on the Additional Homeroom Advisor Emails column. On the CSV file, a semicolon will serve as the delimiter for listing homeroom advisor emails.
- Terminology Admins can define the terminology used for “Additional Homeroom Advisor(s)” directly under Settings > School Settings > Terminology.
- Future Updates We plan to introduce additional permissions tailored for additional homeroom advisors, providing full or granular access to all primary homeroom advisor functionalities.
Please stay tuned and we welcome any feedback on this new release!
Lite Design User Interface refresh for all users
September 7, 2023
We have updated the ManageBac interface for all users on all pages and refreshed the font weights and colour coding/weights. We also made the right navigation panel collapsable, so that there is more space for the central panel to display information.
We initially started this refresh process by providing a minimalist left menu and now also show all other pages and information in this minimalist style.
Learn more about the update on our blog.
Android Updates: Tasks & Units Roster and Unit Stream & Resources for Students
August 25, 2023
Our drive to provide an exceptional user experience has led us to introduce a host of exciting feature updates. We have released a new app update on the Google Play Store. This update brings several enhancements tailored to students, featuring redesigned and mobile-optimised pages for the Tasks & Units Roster, Unit Stream & Resources, and Quick Add functions. These updates only apply to students at the moment, but we are actively working to extend these enhancements to Administrators by the end of August. These revamped pages are part of our ongoing commitment to delivering a seamless and intuitive mobile experience for our users.
Tasks & Units Roster
We have put a lot of thought into improving the user flow for Unit pages, resulting in an intuitive layout that is easy to navigate. The latest updates include two new pages that organise upcoming and completed Tasks, as well as a new page for Units. These changes make it easier than ever to find Tasks, Units, and Unit Resources.
Stream & Resources
The new Stream & Resources page was redesigned and optimised to provide quicker access and visibility to all Unit Resources and Lesson Experiences.
Unit Resources are organised sequentially based on the current Lesson Experience. Students can easily switch to the Lesson Experience or access additional Lesson Experience information from the top section of the Stream & Resources page.
A new Unit Resource page has also been added. This page is accessible by selecting a resource on the Stream & Resources. The new page displays all Unit resources in a carousel format, allowing students to swipe left or right to cycle through the resources.
To further enhance accessibility, Unit Notes have been moved to the top navigation for quick access.
IB DP Language & Culture Pilot
August 20, 2023
The pilot subject Language and Culture is now available on ManageBac. If your school is part of the pilot group testing this subject for the IB, we encourage you to enable it from within your Subject settings and create classes for teachers to start unit planning for the subject! Feel free to share through any feedback about how we support the subject to our curriculum team!
IB DP November 2023 Exams Calendar available to set
August 8, 2023
The November 2023 Exams Calendar for IB DP exams has been made available in ManageBac. Schools can select the appropriate start time, location and add up to 3 proctors per exam. The start times are based on your school's timezone and IBO Exam regions.
Exams listed are based on your students' subject choices for their DP Plan Worksheets.
See our Creating & Reviewing Exam Calendars guide for more information.
Parent UI Widgets
Aug 7, 2023
We have deployed a mobile app update for Parents, with the following Widget options:
- Homeroom Attendance Widget: The Homeroom Attendance widget provides parents with a weekly summary of their child’s Homeroom Attendance. Each day is listed along with the child’s attendance for each day of the week. Parents can cycle between weeks by selecting the Next Week and Previous Week buttons directly on the widget. By selecting on the widget parents can view additional attendance information including a summary of their child’s Homeroom and Class Attendance for the current academic year and contact information for the Homeroom Advisor.
- Project Deadlines Widget: Each project the child is participating in has a dedicated widget. As an example, projects like TOK Exhibition, TOK Essay, and EE will each have separate widgets. These project widgets will list all upcoming deadlines for the corresponding project, providing teachers with an at-a-glance view of their child’s workload for each project.
- Key Contacts Widget: This widget list the child’s Homeroom Advisor, Programme Advisor, and Principal for quick reference.
- Quick Links Widget: The Quick Links widget serves as a centralized repository for all Quick Link folders and links. This widget can’t be removed if teachers have enabled Quick Links for teachers and parents.
Teacher UI Widgets
Aug 5, 2023
We have deployed a mobile app update for Teachers, with the following Widget options:
- Homeroom Attendance Widget: The Homeroom Attendance widget organizes all homeroom attendance excusals for the current week. Teachers can see the dates students were excused for. By pressing on this widget teachers will also have quick access to their Homeroom Attendance.
- Reviews & Progress Widget: This widget will provide Service Learning advisors with an updated count of Service Learning activities that are pending approval or review. From this widget, teachers can navigate directly to the Reviews & Progress page for each Service Learning component.
- Lesson Experience Widget: The Lesson Experience widget will display current Lesson Experiences for all classes teachers are members of. Selecting a Lesson Experience will direct teachers to the native Stream & Resources page of the selected Lesson Experience.
- Unit Calendar Widget: The Unit Calendar widget organizes all current and upcoming units for each class teachers are members of, providing them with quick access to their units. Ongoing units are displayed at the top of this widget. Teachers can switch between classes by selecting the Select Class button at the bottom of the widget.
- Quick Links Widget: The Quick Links widget serves as a centralized repository for all Quick Link folders and links.
New Academic Year Roll-over Improvements
July 24, 2023
We have improved the Academic Year Roll-over process by including progress bars on every single page related to Academic Year Roll-over. In the progress bar, you can click “Next” to navigate to the next suggested step of the transition process or you can click "Cancel" if you want to close the progress bar and focus on the screen.
We've also updated the Transition Year Group page to give more accurate guidance for Schools to finish the entire transition smoothly.
See our Transitioning to the Next Academic Year article for further information.
Export of covered Approaches to Learning to Excel
July 14, 2023
We have updated the spreadsheet export file of covered Approaches to Learning to give it a new and modern look that is easy to review and clear in its organisation. This is available via the Insights > Curriculum > Curriculum Analytics pages on the right navigation panel.
See our Viewing the Whole-School Curriculum & Analytics article for more information.
In-app ChangeLog
Jul 3, 2023
A new ChangeLog is now available directly from within ManageBac. The What's New list, which is accessible by clicking on the Lifesaver icon at the top-right on any page, will provide a personalised list of product changes, events and resources for the particular user type (Admistrator, Teacher or Advisor, Student, Parent).
It's never been easier to stay up-to-date with the ManageBac community and the system itself, with the ability to Search or filter for particular updates. We hope you find this useful, and stay tuned to additional useful tips and best-practices being shared.
Custom Home Widget
Jun 28, 2023
Students can customize the Homepage and Widget page by tapping on the cog icon located at the top left of the Homepage. From the customization page, a simplified view of all widgets is displayed providing seamless drag-and-drop functionality, allowing students to rearrange widgets to their liking. Students can also move widgets between the Homepage and the Widget page using drag-and-drop. Widgets are removed by tapping on the icon at the top right of each card.
Widgets are added by selecting the + icon on the top right of the Customization page. This will trigger the Add Widget bottom popover. From here, students can select the widgets they want to add. Widgets are automatically added to the current page.
The Menu is also customizable by selecting the cog icon at the top right of the Menu card. students can rearrange Menu items and switch the layout of the menu between the tile and list views, optimizing the layout to suit their specific needs.
New Widgets
Jun 25, 2023
This update introduces new widgets that can be added to both the Homepage and Widget Page. These widgets provide instant access to crucial areas within the application including Quick Links, Project Deadlines, Service Learning Activities, and more.
Lesson Experience Widget
This widget will display current Lesson Experiences for all classes students are members of. Selecting a Lesson Experience will direct students to the native Stream & Resources page of the selected Lesson Experience.
Quick Links Widget
The Quick Links widget serves as a centralized repository for all Quick Link folders and links. This widget can’t be removed if teachers have added Quick Links for students.
Project Deadlines Widget
The Project Deadlines Widget provides dedicated widgets for each ongoing project within the Year Group. As an example, projects like TOK Exhibition, TOK Essay, and EE will each have separate widgets. These Project widgets will list all upcoming deadlines for the corresponding project.
Service Learning Widget
The Service Learning widget will provide a shortcut to students’ ongoing Service Learning Activities. Only approved and ongoing activities are displayed on this widget.
Key Contacts Widget
This widget lists the student’s Homeroom Advisor, Programme Advisor, and Family members for quick reference.
Timetables Widget
The new Timetable widget displays students’ upcoming classes and custom periods for the current date. The Timetable widget is merged with the Calendar widget and is accessed by swiping from right to left directly on the Calendar & Timetable widget.
Mobile Widgets
Jun 23, 2023
We have added a new Widget page to the left of the Homepage. To access this page, swipe from left to right on the Homepage. This page showcases some of the new widgets that were introduced in this update. Students can add, remove, and rearrange widgets according to their preferences. Widgets can be moved interchangeably between the Homepage and the Widget page providing students with seamless flexibility and customization options.
Multiple File Uploads
Jun 20, 2023
We have upgraded all file pickers across the app to support multiple file and photo uploads. You can now select and upload up to 10 files or photos from your iPhone, iCloud, Google Drive, or Dropbox storage. The files will be automatically added in the sequence they were selected.
Mobile Stream
Jun 15, 2023
This new feature enables teachers to easily reorder Unit Stream & Resources by dragging and dropping resources to their desired locations. From the Stream & Resources page, teachers can select the Reorder Resources option from the kebab menu of the Unit resource card. This option initiates the editing mode, displaying a simplified view of the resources. Teachers can reorder resources by long pressing the resource card and moving it to the desired location.
Mobile Task Editor
Jun 5, 2023
We have releases mobile-optimized pages for adding and editing Tasks. We’ve extended native editing components for Tasks, improving the user experience. This includes mobile components for Student Differentiation, Assessment options, and Dropbox Coursework Submissions.
New Android Search
Jun 1, 2023
We’ve released a native Global Search page for our Android app. The new search provides instant access to the School Directory, Year Groups, Classes, Groups, Events, Deadlines, Tasks, Online Lessons, and Units.
The new Recently Visited section improves the app’s central navigation system by providing quick access to pages users have recently visited.
New Sciences Resources
May 24, 2023
2023 is an important year for the IB DP Sciences. We started planning the updates to our teaching & learning and study & revision resources early on to be able to support teachers for the first teaching of these new courses.
Our overall objective has been to understand the changes to IB Diploma Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and to apply them to our banks of resources so they will be current and enable you and your students to succeed. In this short piece, we describe how we are applying these changes.
To create the updates, we first carried out a thorough review and comparison of the existing syllabus with the new documentation released by the IB. We’re pleased to make this comparison available to be downloaded and edited for your own use. See the resources and results here
Mobile Chat Updates
May 10, 2023
Teachers & Admins can now create Class and Group channels for improved communication.
Class & Group Channels
Teachers or Administrators can create channels by navigating to a Class or Group they belong to and clicking on the Start Class Chat message at the top of the Overview page. After selecting Enable the channel will be created, added to the Chat Roster page, and populated with members from the Class or Group.
User Mentions
With the new User Mentions feature, users can now mention each other in multi-user direct messages by using the “@” tag to mention specific individuals. Once tagged, users will receive instant push notifications, ensuring they don’t miss a message or important update.
Multi-Curricula Report Cards
May 5, 2023
With the new Multi-Curricula Reports Builder, reports are now be available in both Web and PDF formats. Our template editor allows for easy customisation with new Components, such as custom headings, text boxes, and images. The report components can be placed anywhere within the report and can be grouped into custom sections. Multiple versions of components are supported, and unified report styles can be applied across all programmes. With these improvements, subtemplates are no longer required, allowing additional programmes to be directly added to the template. The resource library now stores all reports related assets such as badges, signatures, and images.
See our IB DP Reports: Editing Report Card Templates & Publishing article for further information.
Home Menu Quick Links
April 17, 2023:
Quick Links and folders for Links specific to user type can now be configured via Settings > School Settings > Quick Links. These links appear as separate section on the Home Menu and in the 9-tile Launchpad menu. Schools can use these to create folders with custom links they wish their students, parents or teachers to have easy and quick access
See our Configuring School General Settings (Languages, Academics, Year Levels, Terms) article for further information.
November 2023 TOK Prescribed Titles Updated
April 10, 2023
The TOK Essay prescribed titles were updated for all TOK Essay project-based learning templates that were imported from our template library. Students in November session schools will now see the updated November 2023 titles when editing their TOK Essay Proposals. These were updated in English and Spanish.
IB DP May 2023 Exams Calendar available to set
February 6, 2023
The May 2023 Exams Calendar for IB DP exams has been made available in ManageBac. Schools can select the appropriate start time, location and add up to 3 proctors per exam. The start times are based on your school's timezone and IBO Exam regions.
Exams listed are based on your students' subject choices for their DP Plan Worksheets.
See our Creating & Reviewing Exam Calendars guide for more information.
For schools that used ManageBac’s direct integration with IBIS for IB Diploma exam registration, IB Candidate Session Numbers have now been synced with your registered students.
Admins can view the IBIS candidate information for an entire grade level via Year Group > Plans > Manage IBIS Personal Codes, on the right-hand side.
If you wish to share PINs for students, you can add them in manually or via bulk import. For further details, see our help article on Updating IBIS Information.
New main menu layout available for all users
January 24, 2023
Users are now able to switch between the Classic expandable left menu and a new minimalistic left menu via the Personalisation page of their profiles. The minimalistic menu introduces keyboard shortcuts and reorganises the left menu to reduce clutter. All newly created users from now on will have only the minimalistic main menu by default.
ManageBac Certification
We are excited to begin the year by formally unveiling our full ManageBac Certification programme – offering a rich array of training, networking and profile-raising opportunities. This three-part programme is also a cornerstone of our vision for a global Faria Community – one place for all the educators and thought-leaders who share our passion and mission.
ManageBac Training Academy
Established in 2021, our Training Academy supports ManageBac users in developing fundamental knowledge and skills associated with our learning platform.
Every month, we deliver short, virtual workshops, blending hands-on activities, practical examples and expert-led discussions to bring a timely theme vividly to life.
All workshop attendees receive resources to accompany the session and extend their learning, as well as a digital certificate evidencing their professional development.
With a wide range of topics covered, and the support of our Community Ambassadors and in-house teams, there are opportunities for all our users to grow in confidence and proficiency.
ManageBac Certified Educator
Our Certified Educator programme allows ManageBac Administrators and Educators to formally test and demonstrate their expertise with our platform.
Each asynchronous, online exam can be undertaken whenever, wherever – with helpful resources provided to support meaningful, self-paced revision, and assessments tailored to specific roles and academic programmes.
Upon successfully completing their chosen exam, users receive a digital certificate and badge, evidencing their status as a ManageBac Certified Educator.
ManageBac Community Ambassador
Our Community Ambassador programme brings the most active and experienced ManageBac users together to showcase their knowledge and skills, connect with like-minded individuals, and benefit from a range of exciting and exclusive opportunities.
Each Community Ambassador is hand-chosen on the basis of their expertise – whether as a result of their long-term experiences with ManageBac, or following their participation in our Training Academy and Certified Educator Programmes.
To become an Ambassador, we ask that users complete and submit an application, presenting their experiences with ManageBac to date. If that application is successful, they will be invited to participate in a short, online induction course, helping to prepare them for the role. We encourage you to apply and become part of our global community!
Admins can bulk Export Task Grades by grade level
January, 20, 2023
Administrators (and teachers with full access to Classes permission) are now able to bulk export Task Grades by grade level via the Classes pages right navigation panel when they select Bulk Export Task Grades. The newly created bulk export task page will then show the option for admins to generate zipped spreadsheet files for active and archived classes to download. Read more about this update in our Marking Tasks via the Gradebook help guide.
Bulk update Student Emails
Jan 10, 2023
Another long standing request is now supported in ManageBac! Schools can bulk update student email addresses via a separate page in the Settings > School Directory > Bulk Update page. This may be useful for schools going through a name or domain change, or adjusting naming convention for student emails. It can also be used where dummy or fake emails were first added for Students.
Please see our tutorials on Editing User Profiles (Names, Emails, Personal Information) for further details.
Bulk export Hide Reports lists
Jan 3, 2023
We are delighted to support a long standing request for ManageBac. We added the option for schools to see which student profiles have the "Hide Reports" option enabled in the Student & Parent information export spreadsheet.
Hiding reports may be used by schools looking to withhold reports publishing for particular families until a certain time, and this now makes that process more efficient to track.
Please see our tutorials on Drafting, Proofing & Publishing Report Cards for further details.