We at ManageBac welcome your thoughts and ideas on how to expand ManageBac as a service to assist your daily school needs. It's because of customer feedback that ManageBac has grown from a platform solely focused for CAS, to a fully stacked learning management system with support for any curriculum. We want to hear your feedback, and when possible, we try to accommodate feature requests. Unfortunately, we can’t honour every request, but you don’t know if we can incorporate your request until you ask.
Feature Request Evaluation
I’ve submitted a feature request. Now what?
Once your request passes from support to our product management team, we will evaluate your request based on our current Product Roadmap. The roadmap includes the short and long-term goals for ManageBac as a product. Our team determines if and how your request fits into the roadmap.
Are feature requests school-specific?
ManageBac feature developments are not done school-by-school but affect all schools around the world. For this reason, each feature request must be evaluated in terms of how it will impact & be used by all. This is part of the reason why feature development is not done overnight, as we have to take into consideration how all schools will be impacted by the new feature.
Your request will fall into one of four categories:
- We have evaluated your request and concluded that we will be unable to develop the feature.
- Your feature request doesn’t currently fit in the ManageBac roadmap, but it may in the future.
- Your feature request fits the ManageBac roadmap.
- We are developing or have developed your feature request.
If your request falls into category 1
We are very sorry that we can’t accommodate your request, and we will assist you in finding alternatives if possible. (Note: this status may change over time, with developments in ManageBac, technology, or other circumstances).
If your request falls into categories 2 or 3
We will enter your submission in the feature request spec phase, where it waits until we can schedule it for development. Depending on the nature of the request, the feature may only sit in this stage for a brief time, but if the feature requires significant changes to our current codebase or our developers need to make other changes first, the feature may have to wait before implementation.
If your request falls into category 4
Time to celebrate! Your request hit the fast track to our development team, and your request is now available or will be shortly.