Adding the Individual Orals
Via the Classes > IA > Extension Oral

Select your class from the list which appears under the My Classes tab. Global Politics classes will have an Extension Oral tab, which has a roster of student names. Click on a student to upload their Individual Oral.
Uploading the Oral to ManageBac
Under each Case Study, you will find a section to upload the students' presentations. Click Choose file to select the file from your computer. Once imported, remember to Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Please note that the files will need to be less than 500MB and in video format.
Entering Case Studies for Students
Within their ManageBac accounts, students can enter the details of their Case Study by navigating to their class > Extension Oral tab.
Here, they can enter:
- Title of Case Study
- Brief summary of presentation
- Bibliography of research
This information will then also be stored on the Orals tab in the class for each student from the teacher's view.
Locking and Unlocking Student Case Studies
Teachers can Lock Case Study 1 or 2 for all students in the class from the Extension Oral roster.
They can also unlock the Case Study for students individually at the time of their Oral during the preparation time. Via the student's Orals tab, you can either lock/unlock the individual Case Studies or both via Lock All Case Studies on the right-hand side.
After the Oral has been recorded and the Case Study information has been entered, you can export the official 3/CSGP/HX form via Export CSGP Form via the right navigation panel of each student's Oral tab. The exported form will be placed automatically in the eCoursework Staff folder on the student's Portfolio.
Generating PDF documents for submission to IBIS eCoursework
After the Oral has been recorded, and the Case Study title, summary, and bibliography of research have been entered for each student, teachers can export the CSGP Form via the right navigation panel of the Orals tab for each student.
These PDF documents will also be included if the admin-level-user generated IB Forms via the eCoursework tab of the student's Portfolio. This way, the PDF documents would be stored for each student, together with any other forms that need to be submitted to IBIS eCoursework, in one central place.
Forms for both Case Studies and Presentations will appear under the Individuals and Societies section. Here, they can be tagged as the required components for the purpose of IBIS submission.
Best Practices for Orals Recording
If recording remotely
The recording process for Orals uses your computer's microphone. To prevent any interference if recording using an online meeting or device, we recommend the following:
- Test recording during an online meeting and saving a recorded Oral on the device to ensure no compression or other interference in the recording occurs.
- If one device is used, use online conferencing software known to not interfere with the recording. ManageBac has tested Google Meet, Skype, and Zoom, all of which will work. You may use other online conferencing software, but we recommend testing first to ensure it will work with our system.
- Ensure the student is audible using your computer speakers.
Submitting Coursework Requirements to the IB
Via Student Portfolio> eCoursework > Individual & Societies

You can use our IB eCoursework drag n' drop service to drop recordings directly from the student portfolio into eCoursework. To learn more, click here.