Managing the Learner Portfolio
via the Classes > IA > Learner Portfolio Tab
First, navigate to the Classes tab and select your class from the list. Language and Literature classes will have a Learner Portfolio tab specifically designed to keep record of students’ ongoing work in the form of journal entries. Students are able to tag, filter and export their journal entries using tags.
On this page, you will find a class roster and will be able to see at-a-glance how many items each student has added to their Portfolio.
On the right side of the page, teachers can also configure the List of Works that students can tie their items to.
The Learner Portfolio will move with students if they are moved to a different class of the same subject, to better assist with the Transitioning process between IB Diploma Year 1 and Year 2.
Managing via the Student Portfolio
Clicking on the Student's name will bring you to their Learner Portfolio Items.
You will be able to view the Assessment, Areas of exploration, Concepts, Skills or Global issues that are tied to each Portfolio Item.
Teachers and students can then filter their entries using these categories.
Add New Entry
Time-stamped journal entries can be added to a student's Learner Portfolio by clicking Add New Entry on the right navigation panel. Students are also able to do this from their own accounts.
Here you can add a portfolio item in the form of a text entry with imbedded website links, videos, images or files. Please note that each individual file or image must be under 500 mb, but there is no total storage limit, so you may have as many entries as needed.
You can also tie each entry to the Works, Assessment, Areas of exploration, Concepts, Skills, Global issues and Reading Log by ticking the relevant check boxes.
To add the new entry to the portfolio, select Add New Entry.
Complete Works Studies Form
Once students have tied any of the List of Works items to any Learner Portfolio entry, teachers will be able to mark those entries in the Complete Works Studied Form and export the form to PDF via the top right corner.
Starring Items
Both teachers and student can export entries to PDF by navigating to the students Learner Portfolio and clicking Export to PDF.
If you wish to only export specific items, click on the star on the upper right corner of the entry. Once you have made all of your selections, click Starred Only.