Adding a Practical Activity
via Classes > Internal Assessment > Practical Activities
After filling in details about the investigation, choose whether you would like to enable Dropbox Coursework Submission and allow students to upload their lab reports. Additionally, if your TurnItIn account has been integrated with your ManageBac account, and if you enabled Dropbox for this investigation, you can use TurnItIn to automatically check the originality scores of your students’ lab reports.
Indicate the date, time, and duration of the investigation. When all information is complete, click Save Changes.
Collecting & Assessing Investigations
Via the Online Dropbox
You can collect the lab reports from your students if you enabled the online Dropbox for an investigation.
Teacher View
To access the Dropbox of an investigation, please select Internal Assessment > Practical Activities, and select the assignment you wish to view. If you have enabled Turnitin, a similarity index will appear.
Student View
To upload a lab report, a student needs to select the investigation under the Internal Assessment tab. The student will be able to upload his or her lab report on this page.
Please note if the lab report includes any graphs or tables, uploading as a PDF is recommended for best results if viewing and annotating with Vantage Reader.
Marking an Investigation
Via Classes > Gradebook > Internal Assessment
Once the deadline of an investigation has passed, you can access the Gradebook > Internal Assessment tab to grade the investigation.
Completed investigations will be shown in a horizontal scroll format at the top of the page. A scrollbar will appear if you hover over the assignment list.
1. Your students are listed vertically here. Below the student's name, you can mark and comment on the student's investigation work.
2. You can assess each student based on the built in criteria and write comments for your students here.
The gradebook will automatically save.
Scientific Investigations & Projects
Via Class > Internal Assessment
Teachers can access the Scientific Investigations via the Internal Assessment tab to add titles and enter marks in the Gradebook according to the IA Criteria.
To add your Scientific Investigation for the class, click Configure Scientific Investigation. Teachers can then click on the Individual Investigation title at the top of the page to update the Individual Investigation Titles for each student. The Title is view-only to Students.
Teachers can enter marks according to the IA criteria and add Comments by clicking on the Gradebook tab and selecting Internal Assessment.
Via Internal Assessment > Collaborative Projects
Group 4 Collaborative Science Project - Student view
Students can enter their Group 4 Project Title and add Reflective Statement via IA > Group 4 Project > Save Changes.
Via Year Group > Files
Admin level users can download ICCS forms for all students in a Year Group in bulk via Year Group > Files > Click Export All ICCS link on the right-hand panel; when, you click on the link MangeBac will generate a zip file that will appear below the link for you to download.
This will produce a zip folder with individual folders for all Group 4 class sections in the grade level of the Year Group. Each folder holds the ICCS PDF documents for students of the classes.
Generating PSOW Forms
Via Classes > Internal Assessment
From the Practical Activities tab, generate a record of experiments form for all of your students by selecting Export Record of Experiments. If your class is mixed HL/SL, the options to export either the HL or SL version of your records of experiments will appear in a dropdown menu.