Certain subjects in the IB DP Group 6 subject group have an Interactions component. ManageBac shows an extra Interactions tab in classes linked to these subjects.
Navigating to the Interactions tab
By navigating to the Interactions tab, a class roster for that class will be shown. Each student will have three sections, Section A, Section B, and Process portfolio. Students are also organised by their respective teacher and can be selected using the drop down option.
Adding Interactions
When a student is selected, their interactions (if any) will be shown. Interactions can be added by selecting Add Interaction.
When adding a new Interaction, the fields Title, Date & Time, and Comment are required before proceeding. Different sections can be selected under Section. Under Phase, you can select Internal Use Only, Inquiry, Action, or Reflection. Please note that Internal Use Only interactions cannot be printed on the CAF PDF.
Students are also able to add a Student comment. Interactions can be added by selecting Add Interaction.
Interactions can be generated into a CAF PDF by selecting the PDF icon next to each student's name.