With the newly updated integration between ManageBac and AssessPrep, teachers can now create AssessPrep online assessments with Peer Review while linking to ManageBac Tasks
Setting Up ManageBac Tasks with AssessPrep Peer Review
Via the Class > Tasks & Units
For the schools that have the ManageBac AssessPrep integration enabled, you can set up AssessPrep Assessment with Peer Review by first adding a task linked to AssessPrep from ManageBac. To do so, please navigate to your class > Tasks & Units > Add Task.
Via Add Task, under the Submission type, enable the AssessPrep Online Assessment option and choose either Create Online Assessment or Link Online Assessment.
For more information, please refer to our guides on Creating a new Online Assessment (Test) and Linking an Existing AssessPrep Online Assessment (Test).
Once the AssessPrep assessment is linked to the task, click on Edit in AssessPrep which will redirect you to the linked assessment. Via the Deliver tab of the test, enable Peer Review.
This will then allow you to choose:
- Reviewers per student - This indicates how many peer reviews each student must complete
- Assign start date and time - This date and time determines when peer reviews begin
- Close review at date and time - This determines the date and time when the peer reviews are due
You can also refer to this AssessPrep guide here for more information: How to activate the peer review feature in AssessPrep.
Monitor and Review Student Peer Review on ManageBac
Before the Task Due Date, teachers are able to navigate to the respective ManageBac task linked to the AssessPrep assessment where student submissions will be visible under the “Files” section. They can also see when the peer reviews will automatically be assigned to students.
Once the Task Due Date has passed and students have completed their AssessPrep Assessment, submissions would then be no longer possible as the Task has been closed.
Peer Reviews would then be assigned to students according to the Assign Start Date which you have selected in AssessPrep. After the Start Date, students can then start to review their peer’s work and provide feedback.
You are able to view via Task > Submissions to see if students have been assigned to Peer Reviews.
Via the Grade tab on AssessPrep, you can see which peers have been assigned to each student.
You can also monitor the feedback students have completed via Grade in AssessPrep.
If you want to adjust the peers assigned, you can manually add peers or remove assigned peers for students via Grade > Re-assign peer reviewers. Once adjusted, please click on Save assigned reviewers.
Once the Peer Review Period has passed, students would then no longer be able to leave feedback for their Peers. Teachers are able to navigate to AssessPrep > Grade and click on the Student’s Peer Review to review what is added.
They can also add their Teacher Review at the same time.
When all the reviews are completed, the teacher can navigate to Grade > Actions > Publish all results to share the Teacher and Peer Reviews for students to see.
How Can Students Complete Peer Review on ManageBac
Before the due date of the task, students are able to take the assessment by navigating to the ManageBac task linked to the assessment > Start Assessment. Students will not be able to see the opening date when the peer review will start now.
Once students complete the assessment, they will be able to see when the peer review will begin.
After the due date of the assessment, the peer reviews would have been assigned by the teachers and then students can then start to review their peers' work via the ManageBac task > Start Peer Assessment and add feedback.
After the peer review close date has passed, students can no longer add feedback for their peers. Once the feedback has been published by the teachers, they will be able to see the feedback from their peers via the Task on ManageBac > View Feedback.