The Educator Perspective
How to prepare your community and teachers to work together in the implementation
This webinar includes a presentation from experienced Middle Years Coordinator Hope Forgey from the International School of Denver on their timeline introducing ManageBac to students and parents, as well as tips and tricks to keep the school community up to date on the system each year.
Guest Presenter: Hope Forgey, Middle Years Coordinator and Design Teacher. Hope has worked at the International School of Denver since 2009, and helped build their IB programme starting in 2011, with official certification in 2013. She has been using ManageBac since their programme's inception.
The Support Team Perspective
How to onboard your community with ManageBac
Best-practices to opening access to Students & Parents, from login and training, to tracking activity and mobile access.
This webinar includes a presentation from the perspective of ManageBac support. What are the areas of the system you should prepare and review prior to opening access to Students and Parents? What steps can you take to introduce and train your community on what ManageBac is and how you will use it in your school?
ManageBac for Students
How to navigate, track deadlines and submit coursework
This session is catered to Students, and how you can get around ManageBac, be it on your web or mobile device.
This webinar is aimed at students, with a more technical perspective on how to navigate the platform. We discuss general navigation and offer our tips and tricks for students who are using the platform for the first time, or more experienced users looking to learn more about what ManageBac can do.
Join our next session live on September 7, 2022
ManageBac for Parents
How to navigate & track your child's academic progress
This webinar is aimed at parents, with a more technical perspective on how to navigate the platform.
We discuss general navigation and offer context for Parents as to how they can monitor their child's activities, behaviour, attendance and academic achievements.
Join our next session live on September 21, 2022
Best Practices to On-boarding your Community
Access our Demo Account
To explore our Demo Account, where you can log in as a student or parent point of view, please email for credentials.
We recommend using this platform to become familiar with what each user type can see. To learn more about each user view, see What do Students & Parents See on ManageBac?
Add a fake Student & Parent
Add fake/dummy/test users to your schools account, and log in from their perspective. You can then use that user during orientation evenings with your parents or introduction sessions with students, or to create your own school-specific custom tutorials
Note: You will not be charged for adding test/fake/dummy user accounts.
Follow onboarding guidance & webinars
Every new academic year, we run webinars on different user experiences and how to open to your community. Please find prior recordings below:
- Opening ManageBac to your School Community (2022)
- Introducing ManageBac to Students (2021)
- Introducing ManageBac to Parents (2021)
To learn more, see Introducing Parents & Students to ManageBac
Upload Student and Parent Handbooks
You can add handbooks to ManageBac which serve as an overview as to how you will be using ManageBac within your school, what users are expected to do, how often they should login etc.
Please find example guides below which you may wish to adapt to your needs
- Find an example Student Handbook here
- Find an example Parent Handbook here
- Accessing Parent Handbooks
We suggest to add:
- Add your own schools name and logo
- Add your schools unique ManageBac URL
- Add in your own FAQs depending on how you wish to use ManageBac
1) When can you send welcome emails to your student and parent community?
You can send welcome emails as soon as the students and parents are imported, or wait until after you have introduced ManageBac to them (for example, via a back-to-school assembly, screencast or class orientation). Welcome email password links expire after 30 days.
To learn more about re-sending welcome emails, please click here.
2) Has giving parents the ability to see your syllabus changed the way you write units? What can they see?
Parents can see the "front page" of the units, including the titles, dates, and important general information (such as MYP Key Concepts). Hope mentioned that giving parents more visibility has helped teachers be more thorough.
For more information on how parents navigate through the system, click here.
3) Can students and parents see all units all the time or just the unit that you are currently doing in class?
Teachers can choose which units are hidden from student and parent view, by ticking the 'Draft' box when creating the unit. To learn more about drafting units, click here.
4) How can schools send weekly news to parents?
The Parents Association includes a message board. Messages can be emailed to parents either in bulk, or sent to parents by year group.
To learn more about managing the Parents Association, click here.