Users can be granted access to ManageBac either by sending them a welcome email, where they access and set their own password, or by directly configuring a password for users.
Sending Welcome E-mails to Students, Parents or Teachers
Via Settings
If users have not received their welcome e-mails, you have two options:
1. Re-send to all users who have not yet logged in.
2. Re-send to an individual user.
Note: E-mails entered into the system are case-sensitive. The average user e-mail address is all lower case.
Re-sending to all users who have not yet logged in
Via Settings > School Directory, select Send welcome e-mails.
Choose the user type you would like to send the welcome emails to from the dropdown menu. If you select students, you can also specify a Year Group. After you confirm your selection, the welcome e-mails will be sent out.
Please contact ManageBac support at if this feature needs to be reset.
Re-sending to an individual user
To Re-send a welcome e-mail to an individual user, access their Profile and click Edit Profile.
Click on Re-send welcome Email on the right navigation page. The e-mail will be sent immediately.
Setting or Changing User Passwords
1. Via the login page - Clicking "Forgot your password?" The user will be prompted to enter the e-mail address associated with their ManageBac account. An email will be sent with instructions on how to reset the password.
2. Via the user's profile - After logging in, clicking on the user's name will lead to a profile page with the option to change the password.
Via School Directory
Via School Directory > Roster, search for the user by selecting the category and scrolling, or using the search field.
Changing a Password for a Student
After you have landed on the student's profile click Edit profile.
Click Change Password. For security purposes, you will be prompted to enter your Administrator Password in order to make any changes.
Please note that we have had to enhance our minimum password strength requirements for security purposes. The password will not save until you see a green box. An example of a strong password would be S8raH18%p whereas a weak password would be Sarah18%.
Changing a Password for an Admin, Teacher, Advisor, or Parent
From the School Directory, clicking on the name of an admin, teacher, advisor, or parent will take you directly to the user's profile, click Edit Profile.
Click on Change Password.
Here you can change the password after entering your own Administrator Password. Remember to click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Again, the password will not save until you see a green box. An example of a strong password would be S8raH18%p, whereas a weak password would be Sarah18%.
Reducing Password Requirements for Students & Parents
For security purposes, the default password requirements ask users to create strong passwords. These requirements can be relaxed, however, for students and/or parents if necessary.
Please note that if you choose to allow weak password requirements, security risks will be higher and we do not recommend this. Also, Students and Parents will not be able to use the Faria Accounts Portal for Single Sign On.
Via Settings > Security & Permissions
Navigate to Settings > Security & Permission to relax password requirements for students and/or parents. Weak passwords require a minimum of 6 characters.