Edit User information via their Profile
We recommend using the top-nav Global Search if you are searching for active Students, Parents or Teachers. If you are searching for an archived user, you will need to navigate to Settings > School Directory > select the student.
Click on the 'Edit profile' icon to update a user's e-mail address, password, student ID, date of birth, telephone, or first and last name.
You can also re-send the welcome email or delete the user from the profile editing page.
Note: As a security precaution, you will be prompted to enter your own password before setting a password for another user.
Edit Student Information in Bulk
Via Settings > Import Manager > Students
Note: all fields can be updated except for the e-mail address, which is how the students are identified in the system.
1. Export Students
Via School Directory, click Export Student & Parent Information to download the spreadsheet.
2. Update Spreadsheet
3. Import Students
You can re-import the students via Settings > Import Manager > Students. Download our CSV template and copy and paste the student information from the export file (Step 1) into the CSV template. Select the updated CSV template and ensure that Update existing student accounts is selected. Click Proceed to Review.
On the next page, confirm the format to make sure the data populates in the correct field. Click Yes, the format looks correct to update the students' information.
Diagnose errors
If there are any errors with the CSV, the system will not import the changes and will display the errors. You will need to update the CSV, then upload again.
Please see the reference guide on user imports here.
If the problem persists, send your spreadsheet to support@managebac.com, and we will revise and upload the CSV for you
Via Settings > School Directory > Bulk Update > Update E-mails
Administrators are able to download a CSV template file in the Bulk Update > Update E-mails page to replace student emails in bulk. You will need the old email address or Student ID (if entered) and the new email address for the file.
Students with verified email addresses and Faria Accounts Portal access will need to confirm the email change via a separate verification email in their new email inbox.
Export User Information to Excel
Via Settings > School Directory
Select Export Students & Parents or Export Teachers & Advisors to download a record of user information in your School Directory.
The Student and Parent information spreadsheet also shows if the "Hide Report Cards" option is enabled per student.