Logging in to AssesPrep
To view the results on AssessPrep, please Login as a student via app.assessprep.com. Students from Mainland China can access AssessPrep via app.assessprep.cn
Click My Assessments > All to see scores for previous tests as well as all upcoming tests.
Click View Results next to a test to view your teacher's feedback and results.
Viewing Marks & Feedback
Once you click on View Results, you will see:
The Overall Achievement or the total number of points earned will be displayed toward the top left next to the student name.
Use the dropdown menus to search for Sections of the test and specific Questions. Click 'Next' to move from one question to the next.
The total number of Points earned per question as well as any teacher Comments will be displayed on the right.
If provided, answer Explanations can be found toward the bottom of the question. Or, select 'Correct' to see the correct answer.
On the left side, you would be able to see the annotations made on your uploaded files by the teacher.