Navigating to the Deliver Tab
This page consists of two sections :
1. Settings - This section consists of the options for choosing the delivery settings for your assessment.
2. Assign to Students - This section allows you to map classes and students to your test.
Delivery settings for your test
The 'Settings' section allows you to choose the delivery settings for the test as follows:
1 - Delivery mode - Allows you to choose how you want your assessments to be conducted. You can choose between 'Any browser' (without security) or 'Any browser with security' modes.
'Any browser' (without Security) - This mode allows the students to take assessments via any available browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc using active internet. Browser-based assessments are widely used for formative assessments, homework, assignments, research work, online learning, etc. These assessments require less security and students are allowed to access other computer and internet resources during the exam.
'Any browser with Security' - This mode allows the students to take assessments via any available browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc. using active internet, but with medium security. Once the student starts the test, the browser will enter the full-screen mode.
In this mode, whenever the student leaves the test window, they’ll get a ‘focus lost’ alert and the invigilator/proctor will be notified. This works incredibly well if you want to conduct an assessment with medium level security at short notice, without the need to install the lockdown app on student devices.
'Lockdown Application' - Allows the teachers to deliver the exams via a highly secure application, which operates in lockdown mode i.e. high security. The application does not allow the students to copy-paste, take screenshots, access any other web browser during the test. The application requires active internet to download the test and submit the final responses online. However, during the test, if the internet disconnects the students can still complete the test without any interruptions and it will export the student responses in an encrypted format to the computer desktop.
2 - Start condition -
Anytime - This allows the students to start the test anytime after it is published, even if the scheduled time is provided. If the next condition is set as timed assessment and duration is mentioned, then the test can be started anytime and will auto end once the test duration is over, and the student can come back to the test during the test duration and resume.
Scheduled time - The test can be only started on or after the scheduled time and ends if it is a timed assessment.
Join Code - With this condition, the students can only start the test once the Join Code is shared by the teachers, regardless of the scheduled time, and will auto end if it is a timed assessment.
3 - Start date and time - Teachers can choose the desired date and time of the test from the calendar. The students will be able to take the test only after the chosen 'Start date and time'.
4 - Timed Assessment - Use this toggle option to choose if you want to conduct a timed assessment. When you click on this, the option to choose the duration of the test opens up.
5 - Duration - Use the drop down menu to choose the duration of your test. This will enable the countdown timer when a student takes the test.
6 - Allow Upload Documents - This toggle button enables the option for students to upload scanned hand written answers onto the AssessPrep platform. This option will be made available to students in two ways:
a. An upload button will be available with each question - the students can choose the file directly from their computer and upload it.
b. Upload using QR Code - the students can use their phones to click pictures and upload them.
7 - Calculator - Use this toggle option to enable or disable the Calculator for the students.
8 - Spellcheck - This option allows you to enable AssessPrep's built-in spellcheck for the test.
9 - Anonymous grading - This feature when enabled for a test, would hide the student's name to ensure a fair and unbiased evaluation.
10 - AP Video monitoring - The AP video monitoring allows the teacher to monitor their students while they are taking an exam, using the video proctoring feature embedded within AssessPrep. The teacher can mute/unmute a student, chat one-on-one with a student and even broadcast a message to all the students in one go.
11 - Video call link - Use this toggle button to enable a direct option within the test for the students to join a video call (Google Meet, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams). You can use this option for live invigilation. Paste the link for the video call in the space provided.
12 - Extra Instructions - Use this to add an instructions which the students will be able to see at the start of the test

Mapping students to a test
The 'Students' section allows you to select the classes and students, and map them to your assessment as follows:
1. Select classes or
2. Select students (individually)

1. Select Classes
Click on 'Select Classes' and then you can map the classes from the search bar.

2. Select Students
Click on 'Select students' and then you can map the individual students from the search bar.
The selected students would be mapped to the test.
Once you have added the classes or students to your test, go to top right corner panel. Here, click on 'Draft' and select 'Publish' to publish your test.
This means the test is now visible to the students. When the students will be able to start the test depends on the Start condition and Start date and time.

Monitoring Student Progress
1. Via the Monitor tab of the test, you will be able to see students mapped to this test.
2. You can Select the Status of the students to see which students have Started, Ended or Submitted the test.
3. The student progress in the test is visible as percentage to the left of student names.
4. Each student's test status as well as the number of total uploads is given to the right of the student's name.
5. You can join a video call from this page to further monitor students in the test taking process if any video monitoring options are enabled.