Taking AssessPrep Test with a computer
Signing In
Step 1 : Log on to https://app.assessprep.com in your browser (e.g. Google Chrome).
Step 2 : Enter your Username and Password. Use the Username and Password that has been provided to you by your school. If SSO was enabled, you can access AssessPrep using MB, Google, or Microsoft credentials.
Step 3 : Click on the 'Login' button.
Changing Your Password
If you are using ManageBac or another SSO function to log in to AssessPrep, changing the password in AssessPrep will not update your ManageBac or SSO password
Step 1 : Click on the 'My Profile' tab on the left hand side panel on your home page.
Step 2 : Once you click the 'My Profile' tab, you will see the option to change password on the right side.
Step 3 : Here, type the new password.
Step 4 : Click on the 'Update' button.
Viewing and Starting the Test
Step 1 : Click on the 'My Assessments' tab on the left hand side panel. Here, you will see all the tests assigned to you.
Step 2 : Click on the 'video call' button, to join the video call assigned by your teacher for invigilation.
Once you click on the 'video call' button, another window with automatically open where you can ask to join the call.
Once you click on the 'Start' button, the next screen shows :
1. The 'Start Test' button allows you to start attempting the test.
2. The details of the test, such as Points/Marks, Test duration and Number of questions.
Test Window
When you click on 'Start Test', you will be redirected to the Test Window. On the top right corner of this window, a panel is visible with six options as shown below:
1. Upload - This button gives you the option of uploading pictures or pdfs of your handwritten answers by scanning a QR code on your mobile phone. (discussed in detail in the next section)
2. Join video Call - This button allows you to join the invigilation video call in case you were not able to do so earlier.
3. Calculator - This button allows you to open the calculator and use it for your calculations.
4. Test Progress - This icon shows you the number of questions attempted by you so far.
5. Time Left - This is a countdown timer which shows you the time left for you to complete your test.
6. End Test - This button allows you to end your test after you have completed it.
On the left side of this window, a panel is visible which shows you the sections of your test. when you click on a section, the questions of that section also become visible, as shown below.
Students can choose the section that they want to attempt and can start answering the questions for that section.
When you start typing an answer, a panel will be displayed with the following options:
1. Format the text (Bold, Italics)
2. Add Superscript/Subscript
3. Remove Format
4. Use Lists (Bulleted, Numbered)
5. Insert Table
6. Insert Special Characters
7. Insert a Math equation
8. More options (Paragraph, Headings)
9. Text Alignment
10. Font Color and Font Background Color
11. Direction (left to right and right to left)
12. Copy from calculator
In all drawing/table/label/etc. type questions,
1. You get the option to reset the image/question to its original form by clicking on the 'Reset' button.
2. You also get an option of writing a text answer. For this, you can simply click the 'Add text Answer' button at the bottom right and a small editor will open for you to type your answer.
When your teacher has published a test in the 'Any Browser with Security' mode, you will be shown a 'Focus Lost' error message if you try to move outside the test window to access another tab/browser/resource/etc. A notification regarding the same will also be sent to your teacher.
On the 'Focus Lost' pop up, in the space provided, type an explanation as to why you were trying to access another tab/browser/resource and then click on 'Resume Test'.
Upload Additional Documents
Option 1
There is an '+ Upload' button available at the bottom of every question for uploading your handwritten answer or any other document (images/PDFs) if need be.
You can then choose your desired document from the file explorer. Once uploaded, it'll show up next to the 'Upload' button as shown below.
Hover over your document to view or delete.
Option 2
If you want to click and upload pictures or documents directly from your phone, use this option.
Scan this QR code using your phone, and it'll automatically identify the link to be opened.
Now, one by one you can upload the answers for other questions as well, using the same process, if you so desire.
Students can finally choose to click on the ‘End Test’ button on the top right corner panel, once they have completed their test.
Click on the ‘Submit Test’ Button to submit your responses. You have now successfully submitted your test!
Taking a Test with AssessPrep V2 using a mobile phone
Signing In
Step 1 : Log on to https://app.assessprep.com in your browser (e.g. Google Chrome).
Step 2 : Enter your Username and Password. Use the Username and Password that has been provided to you by your school. If SSO was enabled, you can access AssessPrep using MB, Google, or Microsoft credentials.
Step 3 : Click on the 'Login' button.
Changing Your Password
If you are using ManageBac or another SSO function to log in to AssessPrep, changing the password in AssessPrep will not update your ManageBac or SSO password
Step 1 : Click on the 'My Profile' tab on the left hand side panel on your home page.
Step 2 : Once you click the 'My Profile' tab, you will see the option to change password on the right side.
Step 3 : Here, type the new password.
Step 4 : Click on the 'Update' button.
Viewing and Starting the Test
Step 1 : Homepage shows all the scheduled upcoming tests and the submitted tests.
Step 2 : Once you click on the 'Start' button, the next screen as shown below, gives you:
1. The details of the test, such as Points/Marks, Test duration and Number of questions.
2. The option to join video call. If you were not able to join the invigilation video call earlier, you can do so now by clicking on the 'Video Call' button.
3. The 'Start Test' button allows you to start attempting the test. questions. Students can click start test and the timer will start now.
Step 3 : When you click on 'Start Test', you will be redirected to the Test Window, as shown below. Students can start writing their responses in the answer text box, using the styling features like bold, italic, writing with superscript and subscript, can use the math tool, etc. On the top right it shows the countdown timer.
Upload documents
Step 1: To upload additional documents click on 'Upload OR Modify'.
Step 2 : Click on the upload button on the next screen, it allows the students to click the picture using the camera option or can choose the pictures from the files option.
* Do not close the window while a file is uploading it depends on the internet upload speed.
Step 4 : The uploaded documents shows up below each task as a thumbnail.
NOTE : Option to Delete Uploaded Images
To delete an uploaded image:
Step 1 - Student should click on the 'Upload OR Modify' button.
Note : On this page, if the student clicks on the uploaded image, they only get the option to view the image.
Step 2 - Now click on the image to see the options to 'View' or 'Delete'.
Step 3 - Click on 'Delete' Icon to delete the image.
Step 1 : After answering and uploading all the required documents, click on the 'End test' button on the top right.
Step 3 : Test submitted successfully.