Educators can create assessments from scratch or duplicate an existing assessment from the AssessPrep Library.
Step 1 -Navigate to the 'My Assessments' tab from the left panel on the home page. The home page shows the list of all the tests currently in progress or already published with submissions.
Step 2 - Click on the 'Create' Button to start creating your assessment.
Once you click the Create button, you'll be redirected to the 'Create Assessment' page, as shown below.
Step 3 - Select the desired program from the 'Select Program' drop down menu.
Once you have chosen the desired program, you will get the option of choosing the Subject and Grade.
Step 5 - Choose the desired grade from the 'Select Grade' drop down menu.
Step 6 - Give your assessment a suitable title.
Step 8 - Choose the desired Test 'Delivery Mode'. You can choose from the options of 'Any Browser', 'Any Browser with Security' or 'Lockdown Application' depending on your testing needs. This can be changed later in the delivery settings as well. To know more about the different delivery modes, click here.
Step 9 - Select the desired 'Start Date and Time' by choosing from the calendar for scheduling your test. This can be set/changed later from the delivery settings as well. Click Ok to confirm the selected date and time. The students will not be able to see the test before the selected date and time.
Step 10 - Click on the 'Save' Button.
NOTE: Once you create an assessment, you would not be allowed to change the program and rubric for the assessment. Other details can be edited by clicking on the Edit button.
Once you click on 'Save', you will be redirected to the 'My Assessments' tab and you can see the test you have just created on the top. Now you can add questions and resources to your test.
Here you can also see the quick view of your created test, with details such as subject, grade, teacher name, start date and start time.
Here you will also get the following options for your test, as shown below :
1. Draft - To start adding content and questions to your test.
2. Open - To start adding content and questions to your test or to view a the created test.
3. Edit - To edit basic details (subject, grade, test title, grading type, start date, start time and delivery mode).
4. Duplicate - To duplicate the entire test with all its basic details, content and questions.
5. Archive - To archive the test. When you click on this, the test will no more be visible on your 'My Assessments' page.