Viewing the Whole-School Curriculum
Via Insights> Curriculum
Select the Curriculum tab from the left menu. Then, select Whole School Curriculum and the programme and grade level from the programme drop-down menu if you are looking for the MYP units. This will show the units listed for the selected MYP grade level.
The Whole-School Curriculum provides admins and teachers with tools to manage unit plans across the entire programme with the big picture in mind.
Options for an overview of the Whole School Curriculum are available with Export to PDF, Get Subject Groups Overview E-mail and Export to Excel via the right navigation panel.
Viewing & Accessing Unit Plans
Select a year level under View. You can filter for All subjects, or select certain Subjects on the right-hand side. Each tile represents a unit plan, with the start date and duration indicated by the months on the left axis.
Click on the Edit icon to open the Unit in a Class. If the icon does not exist, it means there is no class of the same subject and grade level as the unit, and a new class will need to be created via the Classes tab.
Archived Units can be found under the Drag 'n' Drop archive box at the bottom-right of the page. Read more about Archiving and Unarchiving Unit Plans.
Bulk Generate PDF Planners
All Middle Years Programme Unit Planners can be exported to a ZIP file via Bulk Generate PDF Planners.
Subject Groups Overview
Generate a subject group overview via Curriculum > Whole School Curriculum > Select your programme (ie IB Middle Years) > Select your grade level > Click Get Subject Groups Overview Email on the right navigation panel.
Once generated, you will receive an email with a PDF of the Subject Groups Overview. Any current (ie non-archived) units, as well as any drafted units, will be included in the Subject Group Overview. The arrangement of the overview is as follows:
- Sorted by Grade (ie Year 7)
- Sorted by Subject Group (ie Individuals & Societies)
- Sorted by Subject (ie Geography).
- Sorted by Subject Group (ie Individuals & Societies)
You are further able to view or generate a PDF of an individual subject group overview in MYP Classes via the Class > Task & Units > Export. Either click View Subject Group Overview or Subject Group Overview to PDF.
Unit Timeline View
At the bottom of the page, a timeline view shows the months that units have been planned for, and any gaps in your programming. By hovering over the subject timelines, you can see the names of the unit plans being covered within these timelines.
For May Session schools the timeline will run from August through to July. For November Session schools the timeline will run from January through to December.
Curriculum Analytics
From the Curriculum > IB Middle Years, click the Curriculum Analytics tile to see analytics on those elements from your school.
You can switch through the different Elements at the top of the Analytics page.
Filter by Subject Group and Years on the right-hand side menu, and select whether to include Archived and Drafted units.
Analytics can be exported by clicking Export to Excel on the right-hand side.
Hover over the grey 'i' icon to see which units are covering each element. Here, for example, Approaches to Learning are mapped by frequency, by the subject group in three groups and by year level, allowing administrators to see that all aspects have been covered.
Export Covered ATL Skills
You can export covered ATL Skills to Excel via Export Covered ATL Skills on the right-hand side. This export is available for all programmes with ATLs.