If your school is using ManageBac to track class attendance, first classes must be created, next timetables need to be configured to those classes.
Setting up Timetables via Bulk Import
For schools using ManageBac to track attendance, lesson periods with locations can be bulk imported via Classes > See All Classes > Class Manager > Import Timetables.
Create a spreadsheet listing your classes in the format shown below. Select Download the CSV to get started.
In most cases, class IDs will be stored in your school database or student information system.
As configured in Attendance Settings, the columns of the CSV after Class ID represents the Academic Year you wish to import the timetable for.
Please ensure you are listing the year in the following format:
[month of first term and year][space][-][space][last month of last term and year]
It is important to confirm that a regular dash or minus icon is listed and if your computer updates this to a longer dash when pressing the space key, revert this. Feel free to copy and paste the Academic Year listing from Settings > Academic Terms page to avoid any formatting issues.
Note: Use the Existing Timetable Export as a reference for current class rosters. Navigate to Classes > See All Classes > Class Manager > Export Timetables. Reference the Import Format sheet at the bottom.
Upload the CSV and review the timetable before clicking Proceed to complete the import.
Classes cannot be successfully imported if the class ID does not match exactly what is listed as the class ID in ManageBac. Reference the Class IDs for the whole school via Classes > See all classes > Export > Export to Excel. Fix any Class IDs that do not match the Class IDs on your account and click Upload new CSV to retry.
Most Common possible import errors
The above-listed errors are most common and a solution for each is listed below.
Line 1: This is a special case where instead of a dash or minus character a long dash is used. To resolve, please ensure that your academic year uses dash or minus and matches the label of the years listed in Settings > Academic Terms.
Line 3: The Academic Year listed in the CSV template does not match the year and terms linked to the Class identified by the Class ID. Either check and change the class ID or correct the Academic Year to resolve the error.
Line 4: The number of rotation days has to match the number set in Settings > Attendance & Calendar > Programme-Level for the given academic year.
Line 5: The period number cannot exceed the maximum number of periods configured for the day and academy year as set in Settings > Attendance & Calendar > Periods.
Line 6: The same class ID, year, rotation day and period number has been listed elsewhere in the document. Every combination can only be listed once per CSV template.
Line 7: The Class ID does not match with any classes in the system. That is why it is recommended to first export Classes to Excel so that you have existing class IDs in ManageBac available.
Setting up Timetables Manually
Class timetables can also be set up manually, on a class-by-class basis. To do this, navigate to the class Attendance tab and click on Attendance Settings (if there's an existing timetable which needs to be configured).
Here you can set the Day, Period and Location for each period that the class meets in your rotation schedule:
Viewing Student & Teacher Timetables
Once classes have been created, students have been assigned and timetables have been added to those classes, then students, teachers, admins and parents will be able to view those timetables on their ManageBac account: