School-wide Attendance Configuration
Configure your school attendance settings via Settings > Attendance & Calendar > Settings:
1. Configure your whole-school attendance settings - indicate whether attendance will be Available for Homeroom, Classes, or both.
Note: You can take both - Homeroom and Class attendance - by selecting Both.
2. Send Notifications to parents when their children are absent from the Homeroom (email example below).
3. Send daily and weekly attendance to Admins (email example below).
4. Send weekly Attendance Digest emails to administrators on the day selected at midnight.
Programme Attendance by Academic Year
Click the Programme-Level tab to configure the attendance settings for each of your school's programmes.
1. Select the Programme.
2. Select the Academic Year.
3. Set attendance schedule to either Weekdays or custom Rotation cycle (e.g. 5 days).
4. Select Categories that teachers can select from including Late, Health, Dress Code, etc.
5. You can Customize Categories to better fit your school's naming conventions and color schemes.
6. Holidays are also configured by programme. Click on the dates within the calendar to configure your school holidays. To remove a holiday, click the date again. Holidays and days off are marked in yellow not counted in the attendance total. Teachers will not be able to take attendance on these days.
Set weekend days per programme to determine the first day of the week in student and teacher calendars. Schools with Saturday and Sunday as weekend will see Monday as the first day of the week on the Timetable. Schools with Friday and Saturday as weekend will see Sunday as first day of the week in Timetables.
Enabling Substitute Homeroom Advisor Attendance in PYP
It is also possible to allow PYP class teachers to record substitute Homeroom Attendance. In the PYP Programme-Level tab, tick the box to Enable Substitute Recording, which will allow any teacher assigned to the class to take Homeroom Advisor attendance.
Adjusting the first day rotation cycle
For schools running a rotation cycle, you can adjust the first rotation day number of the term by clicking on the first date in the holiday calendar. This feature can be used for quick rotation cycle alignment at the beginning of each new academic term.
Attendance Periods
Do NOT change Period Configurations in the middle of an Academic Term! Period Configurations should only be changed at the beginning of the school year! Changing the Period Configurations during the year or term will hide attendance data entered under the previous configuration.
Via Attendance > Periods, you can customise the number and duration of Periods for the academic year. With additional layers of customisation available, you can now include custom periods that are not classes or have number and duration of periods specific to the grade level and rotation day of a programme.
1. Select the tick boxes if you want to customise the periods per day or rotation cycle or if you want to include a period 0 or if you want to differentiate periods by Grade level.
2. Depending on the selections made for settings in 1., you will be able to select applicable grade level and Copy Period Configurations per day in the week or rotation cycles. Green check marks will indicate the days where Period Configurations have been saved.
3. Select the number of Periods for each day and set the times for those periods. You can also include Custom Periods which can be blocks of time in the schedule where no classes are taught, e.g. Morning Assembly or Lunch Period. Names for Custom Periods are free to set as text and they can have their own background images from a preset list of backgrounds.
4. It is also possible to Copy Periods configurations from previous academic years per academic programme.
For Parents – Automated E-mails for Homeroom Absences
Enable Send Homeroom Absence to Parents to automatically send notification emails to parents if their child is marked absent in Homeroom.
Homeroom Absence notification emails will include a link for parents to submit Attendance Excusals.
The Email notification will include a copy of the Excusal note, if parents have submitted the Excusal note before the Homeroom Absence notification was sent.
For Administrators – Daily Attendance Digests
Enable Send Homeroom Attendance Daily Digests to Admins to receive a daily digest listing all students that were absent in homeroom. You will also receive notification if all students are marked present.
Enable Send Weekly Attendance to Admins to receive a weekly digest notifying which students missed a specified number of Homeroom or Class periods.