- How to Get Started with non-IB Reports
- Designing Report Templates
Previewing and Generating Reports
- Previewing report cards
- Generating report cards
- Viewing individual student reports
- Reports history
- Hiding reports from students and parents
- Export list of students with Hide Reports enabled
- Set an alias to show a custom term name on reports
- Excluding classes and students from reports
- Updating individual reports
- Enabling Service Learning Assessment
- Adding term goals & reflections
- Creating Multi-programme Templates
How to Get Started with non-IB Reports
Review the overview video, along with step by step guidance on how report cards are generated on ManageBac (note the process is the same for IBDP as it is for non-IB programmes):
How teachers enter grades & comments into Gradebooks
Report cards are integrated with class Gradebooks, so the first step to generating reports is to have teachers enter grades and comments in their class Gradebooks.
Teachers will need to navigate to their class Gradebook > Term Grades tab to input term grades and comments.
- Comment: teacher comment, with additional formatting options at the top of each comment box, e.g. headers or right to left text
- Grade: this appears as the final grade on reports
Custom Rubrics: criteria to indicate anything else you wish to assess on (e.g. predicted grade, effort, participation).
How to lock/unlock Gradebooks
Admins can lock or unlock Gradebooks by Programme, this ensures grades are not changed after Proofing & Reviewing grades prior to report cards being generated.
Admins can navigate to School Settings > Academic Terms > Edit Button across from the desired Academic Term.
- Select your programme
- Tick Restrict teachers from making any changes to the Term Grades
- Save Changes
Please note that administrators will still have full access and editing permissions when Gradebooks are locked, to ensure a seamless proofing and review process.
You can also access the Lock Term Gradebooks page via Reporting > Proofing & Review > Select Programme from dropdown menu > Lock Term Gradebooks button on the right-hand navigation panel.
Proofing & Reviewing Teacher Grades
Once grades & comments have been added to classes, Admins and teachers with access to Proofing and Review can Proof & Review Gradebooks.
- Navigate to Reporting > click on Proofing & Review tile.
- Select your Academic Programme from the dropdown menu
Here you can view and edit grades information by Subject or by Student, and view student & staff reflections.
Reviewing Grades by Student
Click By Student to view and edit grades & comments from all classes that a student is a part of from the selected programme. Changes made on this page will also affect the gradebook in the class.
- Select the academic term
- Select the Homeroom Advisor
- Select from the students assigned to the Advisor
- Review & edit grades & comments from classes the student is a part of.
Reviewing Grades by Subject
Click By Subject to view grades & comments of multiple students, shown by subject & class. Filter by class by clicking on the Subject icon desired.
The Reflections tile shows the reflections added by the student, advisor, coordinator, head of school, and counselor. Those who have added comments for a student will be represented with a green check. These comments can then be enabled to show on the report template.
Designing Report Templates
Once grades have been reviewed, the next step is to build your Report Card Template to configure the look & feel of your report cards.
Navigate to Reporting from the left-hand navigational panel then click on the Templates tile. You will see a set of report templates built-in to your ManageBac account by default, under each programme that you can select to view from the dropdown menu. You can customize these report templates or create new ones by clicking Add Template button on the right-hand panel.
Configure each one of the tiles named below to design your report to suit your school's needs:
Overview: The Overview tile is the first page of your template, where you can name your template and customise the general layout of your report, enabling various sections & dragging sections around to reorder the sequence. Remember to click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Cover Sheet: Select the Cover Sheet tile to configure what will appear on the cover page of your reports. Here you can define the student fields to include and add report signatures (such as your Head of School or Academic Coordinator).
- Letter: On the Letter tile, you have the option to write a letter to the parents/guardians. The letter can be written using text or HTML. For HTML, select the HTML radio option and copy-paste your HTML text into the letter text box.For more elaborate text formatting options, please use the Rich Text Editor option. Click Preview on the left to review how the letter will appear on the PDF report.
- Summary: The Summary tile is used to show a summary of achievement from all classes within a given programme, as well as rubrics, comments and reflections.
- Class Reports: The Class Reports option will add one page for each class the student is taking. For Diploma & Non-IB programmes, we recommend this only if the course description and comments are very long or if you need to report on subject-specific rubrics.
- Grade Descriptors / Assessment: Depending on your academic programme, this may be called the Assessment tile or the Grade Descriptors tile. These fields are completely customisable so you can use them to add any other additional information.
- Attendance: If your school subscribes to the ManageBac Attendance Module, attendance data can also be added to Reports Templates by selecting the Attendance tile. You can then choose which data you wish to include. Attendance can be shown for Classes or Homeroom. Data will show based on the Academic Term dates or for the whole school year if Show yearly attendance is enabled. Homeroom attendance can be displayed on the Cover Sheet or Summary of Achievement.
- Additional Programmes: If students are enrolled in classes outside their programme, select the Additional Programmes tile to include additional programmes when exporting reports. For example, if your students are also in IB Career Programme (CP) classes, tick the 'IB Career-related Programme' checkbox and select a CP subtemplate.
Previewing & Generating Reports
Next, preview your reports before actually generating via Generate Reports > select Programme from dropdown menu.
First, please confirm the following:
1. Term: Select a term with the correct grade data.
2. Template: Ensure that your selected template includes your desired information and excludes other information. You can easily adjust your template by clicking Edit Template. You can have an unlimited number of templates.
3. Years: Choose to generate reports for all year levels at once, or specify which years will have reports generated. (This setup allows you, for instance, to generate reports for Grade 9 using one report template, and then generate for Grade 10 using another template.) If you would like to include non-IB grades, tick the checkbox and specify the term.
4. Next, give your report a Title (e.g. First Semester Report).
5. Choose your Sort Order, and indicate what information you want to show in the Report Card file name.
6. Indicate the Preparation Date.
7. Select a Future Release Date and time if you want to generate the report cards ahead of time and have a scheduled release at a different time. Enabling the Notify parents & students option will also delay the notification emails to be sent until that point in time.
Previewing Report Cards
Preview Individual Reports: Click this option to view an individual student report. This is a quick & easy way to see what report cards will actually look like.
Generate Draft or Generate Draft with Zip: Click this option to bulk generate Draft reports for multiple students across multiple classes in the year levels selected. Drafts will not be stored on Student Profiles or made available for parents to preview. Drafts can be found via the Reports History tile.
Generating Report Cards
Once confident that reports are ready, click Generate Reports button.
A full PDF will also be generated and stored as a master copy in the list in the Reports History tile.
Note that reports are generated one at a time. Each report job may take up to 60 minutes, depending the number of students you are generating for and the time of year (December and May are busy reports seasons!).
Viewing Individual Student Reports
To view an individual report, navigate to the student’s profile and click Reports. The report card is available via PDF for parents, students, and teachers to view, and stays with the student profile for as long as the student has a ManageBac account.
Reports History
Navigate to Reports History to download a zip file of all reports via the 3 dot button for all generated reports (actual & draft). We provide each student’s report as an individual file.
Hiding Reports from Students & Parents
Via Student Profile > Reports
In the Report Access section, tick Hide Reports Tab from Student and Parents and click Save Changes.
Admins and teachers will still able to view the reports when they are hidden. Only Admins can hide or unhide the reports, while teachers will be able to see that the reports have been hidden.
Students and parents will not be able to access the reports tile. Note that reports e-mail notifications will also not be sent to students & parents if their reports have been hidden.
Unhiding Reports
To unhide reports, untick Hide Reports Tab from Student and Parents, click Save Changes.
Students and parents will now be able to access and download any reports as per usual.
Export List of students with Hide Reports enabled
Via Settings > School Directory
Admins are able to export a student list that shows which students have had their reports hidden.
Select Export Student & Parent information download a record of user information in your School Directory.
The Student and Parent information spreadsheet shows if the "Hide Report Cards" option is enabled per student.
Set an Alias to Show a Custom Term Name on Reports
Via Settings > Academic Terms > "Edit" Academic Year
You are able to set a customised term name to appear only on the report cards assessment page by selecting the "Set Alias for Report Cards" checkbox and adding your preferred "Report Alias". Make sure to Save Changes at the bottom.
Excluding Classes and Students from Reports
Excluding Students & Classes via Insights > Reporting > Generate Reports > Manage Report Exclusions
Exclude Classes
To exclude classes, select the programme and grade level of the class(es) that are going to be excluded from report generation. From here, tick the checkbox in the "Exclude" column for the classes that you wish to exclude and Save Changes at the bottom of the page. The classes displayed show several pieces of data related to each class to make it easier to identify the correct class(es) to be excluded.
You can also click on Show Only Excluded Classes to see only the classes that have already been marked as Excluded, and you can uncheck the class(es) that you wish to include back in the report generation.
Exclude Students
To exclude students, select the programme and grade level of the student(s) that are going to be excluded from report generation. From here, tick the checkbox in the "Exclude" column for the student(s) that you wish to exclude and Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
You can also click on Show Only Excluded Students to see only the student(s) that have already been marked as Excluded, and you can uncheck the student(s) that you wish to include back in the report generation.
Exclude a Student from a Class
To exclude a student from a class, select the programme, grade level and student. From here, you can see the list of active classes of which the student is a member. You can then tick the checkbox in the "Exclude" column for the class(es) that you wish to exclude for the student and click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
You can also click on Show Exclusions to see the class(es) that have already been marked as Excluded, and you can uncheck the class(es) that you wish to include back in the report generation.
Updating Individual Reports
It is possible to update an individual student's report card.
After making changes to a student's grades, navigate to Reporting > Generate Reports > Update Individual Reports.
From the Update Reports page, select the following:
- Academic Programme the report card to be updated was generated in
- Academic Term the report card to be updated was generated in
- The student the Report Card was generated for
- The specific Report Card to be updated
- Download the selected Report to confirm this is the one you intend to update
- Select the Report Card Template and Report Title to use for the update
- Select Preparation Date and File Name items for the updated report card.
- Preview the updated report card.
- Click Update Individual Report to generate the updated report card and replace it on the student profile automatically.
- The report card will not be updated in the consolidated PDF nor on transcripts. To print the new report card, please download the PDF directly from the student’s profile.
- Classes do not have to be unarchived to update previous report cards
Enabling Service Learning Assessment
Via Settings > [Programme] > Assessment > Assessment Models > Term
You can edit values and descriptors for any Rubric via Settings > [Programme] > Assessment > Assessment Models > Term. Enable the assessment rubrics for Service Learning Term Grades by ticking the boxes for SL.
Click the SL tile to open the rubric. Hover over the title and click the blue pencil icon to edit the selected rubric. Click Save Changes when edits have been made.
Assessing Service Learning (SL)
Provide marks and submit your comments for each student.
To display the marks and comments on report cards, navigate to Reports > Manage Templates > Select Template > Overview. Tick the boxes under Service Learning:
Adding Term Goals & Reflections
Via Settings > Academics > [Programme] > Reflections
You can enable Term Goals and Reflections Questions for response in Student Profiles via Settings > Select Academic Programme > Reflections. The Reflection Question responses can be added to Reports, however, the Term Goals will be view only in Student Profiles.
Via Student Profiles
Add the student reflections via the Reports > Manage Templates > Select Template > Overview > Reflections. This will show the Student Responses to Reflection Questions on the Report. It's not possible to include the term goal.
Creating Multi-Programme Templates
Multi-Programme Report Templates allow students who are taking classes in multiple programmes to have all their classes on the same report card. The sub-template will pull classes from other programmes into the student's report card that may be taking classes from other programmes. For example, a student assigned to an IB Diploma year group may have a non-IB High School class added to their report, via the High School sub-template, when IB Diploma reports are generated.
Please note that same student would not have a report card generated for them when the High School programme reports are generated, as they are not assigned to a High School year group.
Via Templates
Navigate to Reporting from your left-hand navigational menu. Additional programmes can be included on reports by adding subtemplates to your Report Template. Click on the Template you would like to edit or you can create new templates via Add Template button on the right-hand panel on your screen.
Manage Templates
There are two categories of templates:
1. Templates are the parent templates and determine the overall design of the report card.
2. Subtemplates are the child templates that can be added to the parent templates to show additional programmes. The subtemplate inherits the configurations & design of the parent template.
Via Templates tile, click the Add Subtemplate button in the right-hand menu to create a new subtemplate or click on an existing subtemplate to edit it.
Adding Additional Programmes via the Parent Template
Via Templates then clicking on the parent template that will used for reporting. Then, navigate to the Additional Programmes tile to select the desired subtemplates from the dropdown menu for each programme listed. You can also edit a subtemplate by clicking on the pencil icon or add a new subtemplate by clicking on the add icon.
Configuring Subtemplates
Via the Overview tile of the sub-template, configure where you wish to show the additional programme on the report card, and whether to show rubric descriptors from the additional programme:
1. Summary of Achievement
2. Class Reports
3. Rubrics & Options
Note: If Class Reports or the Summary of Achievement are disabled in your main template, ManageBac will follow the main template, and these will not be included on reports. To show these items, they must be enabled on both the main template & sub-templates.
Click the Summary tab to select what will appear for each student in terms of grades and which rubrics will appear on the report.
Note: Rubrics & Options will only be shown if Grade Descriptors are enabled on the main template (via the template 'Overview' tab, otherwise they will be omitted.
Class Reports
The Class Reports option will add one page for each class the student is taking. Here, you can choose to report grades and subject-specific rubrics.
Note: Rubrics & Options will only be shown if Grade Descriptors are enabled on the main template (via the template 'Overview' tab, otherwise they will be omitted.
Generating Reports
Once additional programme subtemplates have been added to the main report template, navigate to Generate Reports and select the following:
1. Programme: Select the programme of your main template.
2. Template: Ensure that your selected template includes the additional programmes you want to add to your reports.
3. Term: For each additional programme, select a term with the correct grade data
4. Years: For each additional programme, choose to generate reports for all year levels at once, or specify which years will have reports generated.
Displaying Student Photos on Reports
To show student photos on your report cards, you must first bulk upload student profile photos on the system. Click on Settings > Import Manager > Students > Import Student Photos to begin. Upload a zip file of your student photos, with each photo name matching a student ID.
Photos should be in PNG, JPEG, or JIF format. For best results, we recommend portrait photos with the dimensions 300px by 300px. Please ensure that each photo is less than 1 Mb.
Once the photos have been uploaded, you can then navigate to Generate Reports.
Select your report template and click on Cover Sheet. Tick the box for Student Photo. Your student reports will generate with the student photo on the cover.