From a Teacher account
Step 1 : From the 'My Assessments' tab on your homepage, 'Open' the desired test.

Step 2 - Go to the 'Monitor' tab.

Step 3 - When you click on the 'Monitor' Tab, you are taken to the 'Monitor' Page as shown below, where you automatically join the 'Internal Video Call' (if you had earlier enabled 'AP Video Monitoring' in the 'Delivery' settings).

The AP video monitoring allows the teacher to monitor their students while they are taking an exam, using the video proctoring feature embedded within AssessPrep.
The teacher can mute/unmute a student, chat one-on-one with a student and even broadcast a message to all the students in one go.
Note : The option to enable Video Monitoring (Internal/External) is in 'Delivery' settings on the 'Deliver' tab, as shown below.
1. Each student's progress.
2. If they are online or offline.
3. The number of uploads by each student.
4. The status i.e. if they have started, not started, ended or submitted the test.
5. Option to 'Force Submit'. This is needed when a student has not submitted their responses even after ending the test or after the time is over.
Role of an Invigilator
Step 1 - You can access the test from the 'My Assessments' tab on the left side panel on your homepage.
Step 2 - Click on 'Open' to view/monitor the test as an invigilator.
Step 3 - As an invigilator you only have the permission to 'view' or 'monitor' the test. You can't edit.
Step 4 - Click on the 'Monitor' tab to join the internal video monitoring link and see the 'Live Invigilation Dashboard'

Note : The option to add invigilators is available on the top right corner panel of the 'Create' test page.

Step 1 - As an 'Admin' you can monitor all the tests by clicking on the 'Overview' tab on your homepage.
Step 2 - From this single page, the admins can also search and filter all the upcoming tests based on the scheduled time, academic programme, grade level and subject.

Step 3 - Click on the 'Monitor' button to start invigilating/proctoring any test.
From the 'Monitor' page you will be able to join the 'video proctoring' as well see the 'progress' and 'status' of all students on the 'live invigilation dashboard'.
All in all, this entire setup allows you to conveniently and effectively monitor examinations remotely.