Student View
- User perspective overview + How-to video: Navigating ManageBac as a Student
- Tutorials: Student Help tutorials
- Webinar: ManageBac 101 for Students
Parent View
- User perspective overview + How-to video: Navigating ManageBac as a Parent
- Tutorials: Parent Help tutorials
- Webinar: ManageBac 101 for Parents
Best Practices to On-boarding your Community
Access our Demo Account
To explore our Demo Account, where you can log in as a student or parent point of view, please email for credentials.
We recommend using this platform to become familiar with what each user type can see. To learn more about each user view, see What do Students & Parents See on ManageBac?
Add a fake Student & Parent
Add fake/dummy/test users to your schools account, and log in from their perspective. You can then use that user during orientation evenings with your parents or introduction sessions with students, or to create your own school-specific custom tutorials
Note: You will not be charged for adding test/fake/dummy user accounts.
Follow onboarding guidance & webinars
Every new academic year, we run webinars on different user experiences and how to open to your community. Please find prior recordings below:
- Opening ManageBac to your School Community (2022)
- Introducing ManageBac to Students (2021)
- Introducing ManageBac to Parents (2021)
To learn more, see Introducing Parents & Students to ManageBac
Upload Student and Parent Handbooks
You can add handbooks to ManageBac which serve as an overview as to how you will be using ManageBac within your school, what users are expected to do, how often they should login etc.
Please find example guides below which you may wish to adapt to your needs
- Find an example Student Handbook here
- Find an example Parent Handbook here
- Accessing Parent Handbooks
We suggest to add:
- Add your own schools name and logo
- Add your schools unique ManageBac URL
- Add in your own FAQs depending on how you wish to use ManageBac
Unit Plans: What can students and parents see?
Students and parents are able to see both the 'At a Glance' view and the unit Stream.
Note that the resource bank is not visible to the students or parents, only resources that have been actively added to the stream are visible.
Here is what these sections look like from the teacher's perspective:
At a Glance:
Stream View:
Here is what the unit plan view looks like for the Students & Parents:
Can Students & Parents see Term Grades?
No, students and parents do not see term grades entered in the Gradebook unless a term report card has been generated to include them. They can, however, see task grades and comments in real-time as they are entered by the teachers.
Students will find the grades and comments within the Tasks & Units tab of their class.
Parents will see the grades and comments in two places:
1) They will see the most recent task grades & comments for all of their child's classes via the Classes listed in the dashboard.
2) They can also select the class within the dashboard for a more in-depth breakdown. Here is an example view from the English class used in the above example: