Configuring & Enabling Personal Project Template
Template Overview
Creating New Projects or Editing existing Projects via Settings > IB Middle Years > Project-based Learning
To access the Project-based learning configuration navigate to Settings and select your academic programme. From the dropdown menu click Project-based Learning. You will see a list of active templates and have the option of creating new templates on the right navigation panel via the Add New Template or Pre-built Templates button.
The New Project Template page allows you to predefine labels for your project.
- Logo - From the dropdown menu select a logo that describes your project. The logo will be displayed on the student profile and Year Group calendar.
- Title - Refers to the name of the Project-based learning project. It will be visible across ManageBac for all users (teachers, parents, and students).
- Abbreviation - The abbreviation is used to avoid repetition and in places where there isn't enough space to display the title.
- Project Type - Standard Project or Interdisciplinary Project for connecting MYP IDU to project templates.
- Subject - To display the project worksheets within a class, select the desired subject here. Displaying worksheets will be made available in an upcoming release. For now we allow the ability to preselect a subject before the feature's release.
- Description - Is an optional field that will be displayed on the right navigational menu of the project page for both teachers and students
The Overview tab of a template allows you to change key information or archive the project template.
The Framework tab contains much of the configuration that will allow you to create a project fit for your needs. The options include:
- Goals - Allows you to create a set of requirements that students will need to complete in order to have their project approved. Requirements can take one of four forms: text field, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menu.
- Journal & Learning Outcomes - Similar to CAS and SA we allow for learning outcomes to be added. These outcomes are to be used to label journal entries. In configurations, admins are able to predefine the default learning outcomes for the project. These can be further modified in each year group.
- Presentation - Allows to add a group or student presentation aspect to the project with additional configurations for peer and self assessments.
- Meeting with Supervisors - Allow you to create a set of fields to encourage teachers and students to document the project's progress.
- To Dos - Enabling to dos allows you to create deadlines linked to the project and specify, specific to dos for each deadline. The deadlines along with the to dos are displayed on the student's project worksheet.
- Documents - Enables the document uploader displayed on the student worksheet.
- Notes & Interviews - Enabling this option allows students and teachers to send messages to each other on the student worksheet and it allows teachers to record interview notes, which are only visible to admins and teachers.
The Personal Project and Community Project pre-built templates come with all the required terminology and components enabled. But schools can further customise these to fit their needs.
Customising Project Assessment Rubrics
- Project rubrics allow you to create a set of rubrics that are to be used to assess the students' performance. The order of the rubrics in the settings will be preserved on the Assessment tab in the Year Group. Mark Bands allow for a singular descriptor to be applied to a range of points. After teachers assess mark band rubrics the total points achieved will be displayed in the last row.
- The default Personal Project or Community Project assessment criteria are built in for those templates.
Customising Project Term Grades Rubrics
- The three rubric types available are mark bands, criteria, and custom. The values added will appear in a dropdown and teachers will be able to select a value to represent the student's achieved value. The descriptors will be displayed in the right navigational menu next to the corresponding value to provide teachers with evaluation guidance.
- Use the Add New Field buttons to add Term Grade or Presentation rubrics for each Project template if you want to assess Term Grades or include Presentation marks for the project.
In the Year Group, select a project and click Submit Term Evaluations from the right navigational menu to access the term gradebook for your project.
Use the Forms tab of the template editor to associate Template fields with sections of the Academic Integrity form requested by the IBO. Other generic forms for standard project templates can also be enabled and exported.
The terminology fields shown above allow you to create a project that will be familiar to your teachers and students based on local requirements or cultural terminology. The hint, located below each field, provides an explanation of what each term is referring to.
Use the Student Progress section to customise or expand the overall progress descriptors available for project Supervisors to mark their students for.
Navigating Personal Project & Community Project Worksheets
Enabling Projects Within an Existing Year Group
Personal and Community Project templates can be enabled within existing Year Groups via Edit Year Group Settings. Disabling a project will hide the project tab from the Year Group but it will not delete the student data. To view the student data simply re-enable the project within the Year Group settings.
Personal Project worksheets allow students to keep a portfolio of their personal project process journal, documents, and deadlines. These can be accessed under the Personal Project tab of your IB MYP year group. After selecting a student, you will be able to view their project worksheet.
Personal Project Worksheet
The Workspace displays each student’s personal project proposal, the supervisor, and progress against deadlines and to-dos. After submitting their project goals, students will be able to upload files and access their process journals.
Project Status: Approving & Marking the Project Complete
Under the Personal Project Status section on the right hand side, you can mark a student's project as Approved and/or Complete.
Personal Project Documents & Message Board
Under Project Documents, you can upload any relevant files. Under Notes, both you and the student can leave messages. This is ideal for posting comments and scheduling meetings.
Any Notes marked as Interview would not be visible to students.
Select one of the ManageBac online guides, customise the Quickstart Guide text box or add your school's Handbook. Be sure to Save Changes after updating.
The ManageBac Curated Guide can be found on the Students' project workspace.
Handbooks can be found by on the Files tab via the Year Group.