What is Infinti?
From state-wide education departments and districts to individual schools, Infiniti Integrated Library System is the perfect solution to drive engagement with students and empower teachers. Infiniti delivers measurable time and cost savings for all schools, and improved learning experiences for junior, middle and senior students. Regardless of the size of your school library, talk to our expert team and let us help you achieve your strategic goals.
Find out more about Infiniti here
How does ManageBac integrate with Infiniti?
There are two integration options available:
- Single Sign On (SSO) - allows students and teachers to move seamlessly back and forth between Infiniti library catalogue and ManageBac.
- API - allows Infiniti to retrieve curriculum tags from ManageBac.
How to Setup Infiniti Integration
User (students and teachers) wanting to move back and forth between Infiniti and ManageBac must meet the following criteria:
- Each user must be registered in both systems such that:
- Each user's Infiniti username must match their ManageBac email address, or
- Each user's Infiniti primary email address must match their ManageBac email address
- Each user's Infiniti System Admin ID must match their ManageBac system admin ID if auto profiling is required
As an admin on Infiniti, navigate to Settings > Settings > Integration > ManageBac
- Switch Authentication via LaunchPad
- If using the API, switch Use ManageBac API
- Click Save
Curriculum Tags
Curriculum tags are curriculum attributes drawn from ManageBac and may include academic programs, subject groupings, subject names and subject classes set up within ManageBac.
Once imported, curriculum tags can be used to tag specific resources in your catalogue that offer targeted support to any of these curriculum attributes.
You can choose to:
- . Note: Imported curriculum tags will be stored in the catalogue authority files.
- . Note: Assigned curriculum tags will be stored in each student's profile.
Note: If you choose to import both tag sets Infiniti will create an explicit link between each student and the library resources that are of specific interest and value to them.
ManageBac-Infiniti SSO
First, log into Infiniti:
- Logon to Infiniti using normal credentials or SSO.
- In the header page click Launchpad .
- Enter your ManageBac email & password:
- Choose Infiniti
Once a user's ManageBac & Infiniti accounts are linked, the user can switch between accounts by clicking the Launchpad button. In ManageBac, this is the Launchpad icon in the top right of a page:
Integration Questions & Support
Find the Concord Infiniti help centre for integration guidance, or contact support@concordinfiniti.com.