Adding Behaviour Notes to Student Profiles
To enable the Behaviour tab on Student Profiles, navigate Settings > Behaviour & Discipline > Enable Behavior Notes. Behaviour Types are added by default and can be Added and Edited. Behaviour Types can also be marked as Positive Behaviour types and reordered.
Via a Student Profile > Behaviour tab, Admins and the student’s Homeroom Advisor and Classroom Teachers can add a New Behaviour Note. The Note will include the Incident time, Behaviour Type, Next Step, Action Date, and a text box to include Incident details.
The Note can then be marked to be "Visible to Parents" and "Notify Parents via E-mail". An email will automatically be sent to the student’s Homeroom Advisor when a new note is added. The Note will not be shared with Students.
Viewing Behaviour Notes as an Admin/Teacher
Teachers and Admin users can view a student's Behavior Notes via a student's Profile Page > Behaviour & Discipline tab. Please note: Teachers will be able to view their own notes but not the notes of other teachers. Homeroom Advisors can view all notes but can only edit their own notes. Admins have both view and edit rights on all notes for all students. The Behavior Notes have green or red icons that indicate if a note is visible to parents/students and what the next step is based on the behaviour. The indicator icons in red show the Next steps and the green icons show the note's visibility.
Viewing Behaviour Notes as a Parent
Parents can find Behavioral notes recorded for their child by teachers or admins, that have been made visible for review via their child's Academic Profile > Behaviour & Discipline tab.
Viewing Behaviour Notes as a Student
Students can view the behaviour notes shared with them from the Beahviour & Discripline tab in their profile page.
Sharing Behaviour Notes with Student
To make a Behaviour Note visible to a student, navigate to the student's profile > Behaviour & Discipline > Add Behavior Note > tick box for Visible to Student.
Students can also receive an email when a behavior note has been created by selecting Notify Student via Email. Please note that you have to make the note visible to students in order to send an email notification. If the box for Visible to Student is not selected you will not be able to select Notify Student via Email.