Tasks Overview video
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Adding a new Task
Teachers can add tasks to classes via the class Tasks & Units tab > Add Task. You can also quickly add a new task via the Class Overview > Quick Add button.
Task Summary
- Title: Task name
- Due date & time: student submissions will be marked early or late based on this, and this will also be where the task falls on your class calendar, and in which term in the gradebook. Green days on the calendar picker indicate days with Attendance periods configured for the class for schools with Class Attendance enabled.
- Unit: The Unit plan you wish to link the task to.
- Lesson Experience: if configured for the selected Unit Plan
- Category: These can be configured for all subjects by an admin within your programme settings, or customized further on a class-by-class basis via Manage Categories.
- Type: Eg: Summative, Formative. These are customizable by an admin within your programme settings.
Task Assessment
Select how you wish to assess the task from a range of assessment options. Note: Only those Assessment models enabled by an administrator on your account will show here for selection.
- Points: Enter a maximum number of points the task is out of.
- Comments: Enables a comment box in the task gradebook
Criteria: Enable assessment of criteria configured on your account.
- If enabled, you can then select which criteria to address.
- Tick Task-Specific Clarification to edit default descriptors to suit the needs of the task
- Binary: Complete/Incomplete, Pass/Fail etc.
Task Options
- Student Differentiation: Teachers are able to choose which group of students the task is assigned to. They can choose to assign it based on the students’ level (HL or SL) or choose a specific set of students for which to assign the task to. The students who have not been assigned to the task will not see it, nor will teachers be able to grade them.
Coursework Submissions: Allow students (or teachers on behalf of students) to upload their work directly to ManageBac on the task deadline.
- Please note: It is only possible to select either a Google Doc or the ManageBac Dropbox.
Google Docs Coursework Submission: To assign a G-Doc to your students.
- Note that this is only available if your account administrator has enabled integration with Google Docs. Click here for further details.
TurnItIn Feedback Studio: Enable Turnitin to check for plagiarism directly within ManageBac account.
- Note that this is only available if your account administrator has enabled integration with Turnitin. Click here for further details.
Student Discussion Tasks: To allow students to complete Discussion posts
- Note that Binary has to be enabled as Assessment option in Settings > Select Programme > Assessment > Framework, because Binary option is required for all Student Discussion Tasks.
- Set Submission Opening Date: To allow students to submit to a Task after a given date, certain number of days before the due date.
- Notify Students via Email: Upon initial task creation, you can additionally send an email notice the task has been set.
- Additional Classes: To add the same Task in other Class Sections of the same subject the teacher is assigned.
- Create and Add Another Task: If you are looking to create many tasks at the start of term, click this to create another task directly
- Create Task: Click this option to begin uploading files, videos, links or notes to the task
Task Details
Once the task has been created, you can adjust the task if needed via Edit Task.
- Send reminder to class: Issues a notification to students listing the task deadline.
- Task History: Track when the task was created or edited.
Link Resources
Upload or add new resources to the task, or link from existing files in the resource bank.
- Add Website or Video: Include website URLs as a hyperlink or embed videos such as YouTube.
- Add or Link File: Add a new file directly from your device, or link existing files in the resource bank by searching for the file name.
- Add Photo: Add an image file
- Add a Note: Post details about the task in text format.
- Link Unit Resource: Link existing Unit Resources to the Task from Stream & Resources tab of the linked Unit.
- Create Discussion: Start a conversation with students to clarify any details about the task.
- View All Discussions: View a complete thread of messages on the task.
Adding Tasks from the Resource Bank
Once your assessment task has been created, it will be permanently saved in the Subject Resources section of ManageBac, this will allow you to easily re-use the same task in future academic years without having to recreate it.
Add Resources
Navigate to Class > Tasks & Units > Import Tasks. Here teachers can re-use tasks created previously, either by themselves or by other authors. For more information, see the "Reusing Tasks via 'Import Tasks'" section of this guide on Adding & Managing Tasks.
Grading a Task
Navigate to the Gradebook tile of your class > Tasks to view a full Task Agenda for the term.
- You may need to scroll across to view additional tasks
- View a snapshot of which tasks and for which students' grades and comments have been entered
- View the last time grades have been entered, and who have assessed tasks, via the right-hand side
- Export Grades: Download an Excel file of grades for all tasks in the class.
- Click on a task name to view or begin assessing it.
Entering Grades
Note: Grades and comments entered on tasks are visible to students and parents in real time. To hide grades and comments, you can hide your task results until you are ready to share this information.
- View the task name you are grading above the student count.
- View Categories, Criteria Descriptors and Grade Scale on the right-hand side
- Binary: Mark as Complete or Incomplete
Points: Enter the grade in the box.
- Note: It is not possible to enter a mark higher than the maximum points.
Criteria: Select the value from the options
- N/A: Mark as N/A to indicate not assessed
Teacher Comment: Enter a comment on the task
- For lengthier entries, click to expand the comment box to a full-screen view
- Split-screen View: Click the eye icon next to the student's name to expand to a Split-Screen Gradebook view.
Split-Screen Gradebook & Annotations
Via the split-screen view, you can view student submissions, annotate and assess the student all on the 1 page.
- Click the student's name on the left to grade another student on the same task.
- Click the task name on the top-left to grade this student on another task
- Click the > icon on the right to hide the details section for a full-annotation view.
- Click Rubric View for a visual grading panel of rubric descriptors.
Once grades have been entered, you can navigate back to the task in the gradebook and click Send grades notification to issue an email notice to students and parents.