Assigning Advisors Individually
You can assign advisors via the Year group's > Members > Homeroom Advisors tab.
Assign one advisor to multiple students using the arrow. Update advisors individually by selecting teachers from the dropdown menu. Once done assigning advisors, make sure to click Save Changes.
Note: Only users who have been imported as teachers & advisors will appear in these dropdown menus.
Bulk Assigning Advisors
Bulk assign students to advisors. Start by downloading our CSV template, save your spreadsheet as a CSV file and upload your CSV file. Click Bulk Assign once complete.
Note: If you have any difficulty with the import, please send the CSV file to and our data team will further investigate.
What can Homeroom Advisors do?
Recording Homeroom Attendance via Homeroom
For schools using ManageBac for Attendance, this is where Homeroom Advisors can take Homeroom Attendance.
Entering Homeroom Advisory Comments
Via Homeroom > Advisory Comments
For schools using ManageBac for Reports, this is where Homeroom Advisors can leave Advisory comments and enter a term-based comment. Via Homeroom > Advisory Comments, the advisor will find the students assigned to them. Select the programme to sort students, and select the relevant academic term. Enter your comment in the text box (with additional rich text editor options available), and Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Advisory Comments and student details can be exported via Export to Excel.
Homeroom Advisor Term Grades Review
Homeroom Advisors can view their student's term grades via Homeroom > Term Grades Review
Filter by Programme and Academic Term and select the student from the roster or Search by Student Name
The Status shows which student's Term Grades have been submitted and which students have outstanding marks to be entered.
Submitted indicates that Term Grades have been entered in all of the student's classes. Waiting tells us that there is data yet to be entered in at least one area of the student's classes.
You can click on a student to expand their Term Grades and spot any gaps.
At a glance, you can also quickly view any completed or outstanding reflections by selecting View Reflections
Assigning Additional Homeroom Advisors
You can enable the ability to assign multiple Homeroom Advisors per student
via Settings > Security & Permissions > General
Assign multiple Homeroom Advisors individually via Year Group > Members > Homeroom Advisors
Up to ten additional Homeroom Advisors can be assigned per student. Users who are already assigned as Homeroom Advisor for a student cannot be added as Additional Advisors again.
Assign multiple Homeroom Advisors in bulk via Year Groups > See all Year Groups > Bulk Assign Students
With the ability to assign multiple Homeroom Advisors enabled, the CSV template file will include an extra column for "Additional Homeroom Advisor E-mails". Enter up to 10 separate email addresses per student separated by a semi-colon ;.
Then save the file as CSV format and upload via the "Choose File" option and click Bulk Assign.
Additional Homeroom Advisors can record Homeroom Attendance via Homeroom > Attendance
Homeroom Advisors will see their "primary" or main Homeroom students first in the Homeroom Attendance page. All students where the teacher is assigned as Additional Homeroom Advisor are group below.
For PYP Homeroom Advisors with "Enable Substitute recording of Homeroom Advisor Attendance" configured, there will be a third group of students that sit in PYP classes but are neither assigned to the teacher as their Homeroom Advisor nor an Additional Homeroom Advisor.