View your Timetable via the Dashboard
Please note that this is only available for schools that are using ManageBac for Attendance.
Navigating the Timetable
Here is an overview of how to navigate:
- The current day will be highlighted in blue at the top, eg Sep 19th.
- The period numbers are found on the left-hand vertical column. Depending on your account's period settings, this may start with Period 0.
- The days of the week are spread across the top horizontal column. Select from either a Week or 3 Day view to get a closer picture of forthcoming periods and deadlines.
- Navigate to a previous or future date either via the Left and Right arrows, or by selecting a particular date in the date picker.
- Non-active periods (ie Breaks, Lunch etc) will appear if configured by an admin your school's account settings. These can be given certain graphics or colours to highlight them in the roster.
- All active periods represent a class period. To update the days or periods a class takes place on, please see Configuring Class Timetables / Rotation Days
- The Legend will list classes based on their programme & subject, eg IB DP English, and the number represents the number of active periods in the timeframe selected.
- Notes:
- Double-bookings are permitted (ie you may be assigned to 2 different classes in the same day and period) and will be listed stacked on top of each other.
- If you are not assigned to a class for a particular period, the slot in the timetable will be empty. If you are not assigned to a class for a particular period for the entire timeframe selected (ie the Week ahead) the period will be skipped in your view.
Quick Access via the Timetable
View your Timetable via your Profile
You can view your timetable by clicking on your profile icon at the top-right > Manage Your Profile.
Via Profile, you can quickly navigate to any class you are a member of as a teacher, as well as any simple groups you have joined, via the right-hand side drop-downs. Select a class to be taken to it.
Via Timetables, you will be able to view your complete timetable just as per via the Dashboard.
Download Timetable PDF
You can export your weekly timetable to PDF via Timetables > Export Timetables to PDF on the right-hand side.
The PDF version is designed to fit on one US Letter / A4-size with minimal colour to conserve ink toner. (Note, for extended period configurations or extensive class lists, the PDF may push over more than 1 page in order to fit the content).
Viewing a Specific Class Timetable
Timetables for each class can be found within the class menu itself. You can navigate to Classes via the left-navigational menu, your dashboard or your profile. Select any class you are a member of to view and navigate to Attendance.
Here is where Class Attendance can be recorded for the days and periods the class is scheduled for. See more on Recording Homeroom or Class Attendance.
Modifying your Timetable
To edit the classes timetable or roster, navigate to Attendance Settings.
Here you can enable or disable the class to take place on particular days, for particular periods, and indicate the location, be it a physical venue or remote learning link. Your class timetable, and thus your personal timetable will update accordingly for any changes made.