Requesting a Review
Via SA > Activity
Click on the SA tile under the Year Groups tab, which will lead you to the SA Worksheet. Select an activity from the list for your supervisor to review. Once you have completed your activity and submitted reflections or SA questions, you can request that your Activity Supervisor complete your review online.
Once the activity has been approved and at least one reflections and evidence has been added, students can click Request Supervisor Review in the Supervisor Review section below the Summary. This will send an e-mail to the activity supervisor to review online. The Supervisor Review Email will include the Activity Reflections & Evidence.
SA Completion for Offline Reviews
Alternatively, students can click SA Completion Form. This will create a PDF of the activity information which can be printed and signed by the activity supervisor.
The PDF will not include the Reflections & Evidence. This can then be handed in manually to the SA Advisor or IB Coordinator.
Locked Supervisors
Note: The Supervisor email will be locked once the student clicks Request Supervisor Review. Once the activity has been marked as Complete, students will not be able to add additional evidence or edit any of the experience details.
Please notify your SA Advisor if you need to update supervisor contact information, or you need to further edit the experience after it is marked Complete.