From the Dashboard, you can see your child's academic records and any upcoming events or deadlines from the classes and year group that your child is in.

Parents can view class messages via the dashboard, scrolling down to the Classes section and clicking on the Messages tile for each class. PYP parents can be notified via email of new messages if enabled by the teacher. This functionality does not exist for DP and MYP parents.
You can also view the year group messages and class messages via the Discussion tab on the left-hand side menu, selecting the relevant Year group/Class.
Home Menu
Via the Home Menu tab, you are able to see your child's events, tasks, deadlines, online lessons, and lesson experiences for the day.
Below you can also access your child's Timetables, Portfolio, Student Profile, Exams Planner, Reports, Behavior, Discussions, Classes, Parent Association, Guides & Handbooks, and Excusal Requests.
If you have more than one child, you can select the child at the top of the page
Scrolling down, you will be able to access your child's classes:
Viewing Message Notifications
Click on the Mail icon to view any new messages from the classes that your child is enrolled in.
Please note that message notifications older than 3 months are removed from ManageBac automatically. The messages remain accessible within the Year Groups or Classes in which they were created.
Parents Association Notifications
If your school has enabled the Parents Association, you will see this section in the left navigation panel. Please note that your school may have renamed this tab.
Once you click on this section, you will find a two-week calendar of upcoming events and deadlines and a list of recent announcements and discussions.

To see discussions in greater detail, go to the Discussions tab.

If the school administration enables it, you can post a new message by clicking Create Discussion.
To view a message in full click the title of the message. You can answer the message by writing your message > Comment.
Members of the Parent Association can be notified via email if enabled by the sender.
Please Note:This is a public message to all teachers and parents in the year group. The school may also lock the Parents Association and not allow parents to post discussions or respond to Messages with comments.