The Google Docs integration, enabled via Settings > Integrations > Partners > Google Docs, will allow teachers to assign individual or collaborative documents in Tasks to students using Google Doc templates from a school Google Drive account.
Step 1: Enable Google Docs Integration in Google Developers Console
- Navigate to Google API console
- Open the Home tab and select the Project dropdown at the top next to the Platform name
- Create a new project (Name of the project can be whatever you want)
- Go to Library > Google Drive API. Enable it.
- Navigate to OAuth consent screen via top left Menu > APIs & Services
- Make an Internal application and click Create
- Add application name (Can be anything you want), User support email (any email address), Authorized Domain ( and Developer Contact (can be same as user support email) and click Save Changes
- On the Scope screen, click Add and Remove Scopes
- Select Google Drive API (see, edit, create and delete all your Google Drive files)
- Select Google Drive API (see, edit, create and delete all your Google Drive files)
- Click SAVE AND Continue
- Make an Internal application and click Create
- Navigate to Credentials via the left console menu
- Click Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID
- Set Application type: Web application (Name can be anything you need)
- Click ADD URI and enter:
- Click Create
- Click Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID
7. A pop up screen will appear with Client ID and Client Secret. Add the Client ID and Client Secret to the ManageBac Settings > Integrations > Partners > Google Docs page
8. Authorize the Application
9. Choose the Google account that is linked to the school GDrive and give permission to Google to enable integration
Do not set up integration using a personal Google account as files from the linked account will be shared among staff. All assignment templates will be stored on one Google Drive account. This account should be a shared google drive account which all teachers have access to, solely for the use as template repository.
NOTE: If your school is only updating the linked Google Drive connection, please ensure to select the same Google Drive account in this step, that is linked to your ManageBac Google Docs integration.
Step 2: Define Teacher Access to Google Folders on ManageBac
Next, determine which files in your Google Drive teachers should have access to when creating tasks on ManageBac, either Full access to all the folders or Access to a specific folder only from your Google Drive.
This step determines which Google Drive folders & templates your teachers can use when assigning tasks to students on ManageBac.
Please note:
Only Full access to all folders permission will enable selecting Google Doc templates from Shared Drives.
If you grant teachers access to only specific folders, click Choose folder and then select the folder you wish for teachers to access.
Step 3: Share Folders with Teachers on Google
The step above allows teachers to use templates (Gdocs) from Google Drive. This last step is required to ensure teachers also have the ability to create new templates in the Google folders shared with them in ManageBac.
Logged in as an Admin on the Google account:
- Create a folder and click Add Folder.
- After creating the folder grant editing rights to all teachers by clicking Share and adding their email addresses or creating a shareable link
Once Steps 1-3 are completed the integration is fully set up! Please see our tutorial on how teachers can create & manage tasks with Google Docs:
Adding and Managing Tasks with GDoc Templates
Q: Do teachers & students have to have Gmail accounts to use Google Docs integration on ManageBac?
A: Not necessarily. Students & teachers will not have access to view or use Google Docs integration if they are not logged in to their Google Accounts in the browser where they use ManageBac.
Q: Is the auto-generated ManageBac folder on Google only for student submissions or also for copied teacher templates?
A: Both, we store a copy of the template the teacher used for future reference as well as all student submissions of the template.
Q: Can teachers upload their task templates to the the auto-generated ManageBac folder on Google?
A: No, this folder cannot be shared with teachers. Please create a new folder with access permissions where teachers can upload their templates and assign them out to students.
Q: What if a student submits their work late? Will the GDoc automatically lock and the student won’t be able to submit after?
A: Correct, after the deadline passes the student will no longer be able to make changes. If students require more time teachers can extend the submission per student or change the due date of the Task.