- Configuring Class Settings
- Adjusting a Classes Subject, Grade Level & Linked Academic Terms
- Set Class Grade Scale
- Configure Task Categories & Weightings
- Configure Class Timetable
- Configure MYP Language Acquisition Class, Unit, Task & Student Phases
- Configure DP Class, Unit, Task & Student Levels
- Locking Class Memberships for Students & Teachers
Configuring Class Settings
Via the Class Overview > Edit Class Settings
You can Edit Class Settings from the sidebar of the Class Overview (depending on screen size this may be moved to bottom of the page).
Edit Class Settings
In Edit Class Settings, you can configure:
- The Language level of the class - This is applicable for language and literature classes.
- Select Applicable levels HL, SL, or both.
- Class Name - ill in this field if you want to use a custom name instead of the subject name
- Section to show along with the class name
- Class ID - unique ID which can be assigned to each class in ManageBac
- Description - Once added, it will be displayed in the class overview
- Announcement Bulletin - It can be used to alert students to key upcoming deadlines and to post any messages.
- Lock Memberships - Configure the membership Settings for students and teachers in the class.
On this page, you can also archive the class. We strongly recommend archiving data as opposed to deleting it. Deleting a class will permanently delete all tasks, including student submissions, files & messages from along with the class.
Adjusting a Classes Subject, Grade Level and Academic Terms
ManageBac Classes must be linked with Academic Terms so that schools can maintain several academic years' records and generate historical report cards.
IB DP classes can run for up to 2 academic years while other all other programme classes can run for up to 1 academic year.
Classes can only be linked to academic terms upon class creation. If you need to adjust the Academic Terms a class is linked to after creation, please submit a support request to our team to adjust for you at support@managebac.com.
As curriculum data is tied to the classes Subject & Grade Level, these elements are also restricted for edited. If you need assistance in adjusting a classes subject or grade, please submit a support request to our team at support@managebac.com.
Set your Class Grades Scale
Via Gradebook > Term Grades, you can configure the grade scale by clicking the 'Edit pencil' icon above the grades scale on the right navigation panel, which will be applied to the Gradebook of your class - both when grading assignments and when submitting term grades. Your school's default scale will be chosen if you click Set to School's Default.
Configuring Task Categories & Weightings
Via Gradebook > Tasks > you can customize and color-code your assignment categories by clicking the Edit icon next to Task Categories on the right navigation panel. These assignment category weightings are applied to the final grade calculation when entering term grades.
• To add a new category, click Add New Category and type in the name and select a color for the label.
• To edit a category, type in the new name in the text field, and click on the color palette to select a new color for the label.
• To delete a category, click the checkbox in the delete column of the category that you wish to delete
Please make sure you click Save Changes to apply the changes to your class.
Configure Class Timetable & Attendance
Via Attendance > Attendance Settings
Under the Class Attendance Settings, teachers can choose which day of the week a class is taught. Teachers can also specify the class period for each day.
Once you have set your attendance rotation days, you can access your class attendance by clicking on the Attendance tab. The days shown will follow the rotation days set.
Configuring Middle Years Language Acquisition Class, Unit, Task & Student Phases
Via Classes > Overview > Edit Class Settings
Within the Overview of the class, navigate to Edit Class Settings, where you can define the phases offered for your specific classes.
Set Class Phase via Edit Class Settings
Once you have chosen the phases offered, click Save Changes.
Set Student Phases via Class > Members > Students tab
If the class spans multiple phases (e.g. Phases 1-6), then you must make a judgment for each student’s phase. This can be done under the Students tab by clicking on the most appropriate phase for each student.
It is essential that this is done prior to assessment and term reporting as the criterion descriptors will vary by phase. For example, if a student is shifted from Phase 1 to Phase 3, the criterion descriptors will vary.
Why are old classes showing the old criteria?
Classes created prior to August 1, will continue to show the old assessment criteria and objectives. The reason for this is because we cannot modify historical assessment data for the Academic year i.e. grades you have entered for your final term in June would permanently remain based on the old subject guide.
While we implemented the curriculum changes on July 31, please keep in mind that the subject guides were meant to be effective from September for May-session and January for November-session schools.
What about my old unit plans and tasks?
Your old unit plans were automatically shifted forward into your new classes; however, as a group you must select new Objectives and Criteria.
Your tasks can be transferred into your new class by clicking Add Resources under the Tasks & Units tab. You will need to edit the imported task to update the criteria.
Note: Unfortunately, any task-specific rubrics you created for old tasks in the prior subject guides cannot be re-used. This is because the new criteria are different, so it was not possible for us to carry them over.
Configure Diploma Class, Unit, Task & Student Levels
Note: Unit plans are shared with classes by subject and Grade level. This means, for example, that a DP1 Language and Literature unit will be automatically shared with all DP1 Language and Literature classes. Any tasks which are tied to the unit will appear in the unit planner, but the tasks are class-specific and will not automatically populate to the class. Like DP classes, DP unit plans can be configured as Higher Level (HL), Standard Level (SL) or both. Level options for the unit plan will depend on the level options enabled in the class settings.
Configuring DP Class Level
To configure your class levels, please navigate to the Class Overview > Edit Class Settings > enable Higher Level and/or Standard Level. Click Save Changes once done.
Configuring DP Unit Levels
If the class is configured as both HL and SL then the unit plan can then be edited to be HL, SL or both. Configure the unit level by clicking Edit Unit Plan and enabling Higher Level or Standard Level on the unit Summary, Inquiry & Purpose tab.
Note that if the class is configured as HL or SL only, the unit will default to the selected class level.
Configuring DP Task Levels
If the class is configured as both HL and SL, tasks will have the option to be configured as HL, SL or both. To configure the task level, click Edit Task or Add New Task via the unit plan 'Assessment' tab.
Configure DP Student Levels
If the class is configured as both HL and SL, you will find the option to set a student's level via the Members > Students tab. Select from the radio button.
Locking Classes
Class memberships can be locked for students, teachers, none or full (both students and teachers). If you have bulk assigned users to classes, and do not wish for them to change, you may wish to consider locking classes. If you prefer to allow users to find their class allotments on their own, unlock classes.
When a class is locked:
- A user in the class will be unable to leave it
- A user not in the class will be unable to join it
Lock a Class Individually via Overview > Edit Class Settings
Lock Classes in Bulk via Classes > See all classes > Lock Classes
Under the relevant tab, for Full (both Teachers & Students), Teachers or Students, you can select individual classes, all classes or no classes (to bulk unlock).

First select how you would like to Lock memberships, by Full, Teachers only or Students only. Then select the Classes individually or with Select All. After selecting classes, Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Please note, if a class is Locked for Teachers ( Teachers only or Full), the member teachers of the class would not be able to access the Edit Class Settings page of that respective class.