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Please select the programme you wish to import data into

Please select from the list of standards here

We can import one set of standards per request form.

Please write the full name of the standards you wish to import, and attach the files at the bottom of this form. If the standards are online, please include the direct URLs in this text box.

Adding standards will add to any existing standards for this subject & year level. Replacing standards will remove any existing standards for this subject & year level. If your answer is add for some and replace for others, you will need to fill out this form twice.

List all the subjects you wish to import these standards to. Write the subject titles exactly as they are listed in ManageBac, followed by their equivalents from the standards you wish to import. For example: French = Languages Other Than English

You may only choose to organize your scope and sequence by IB phases OR year levels. If you want to organize by phases, you will need to provide the phase equivalent for each of your standards organized by years. E.g. For the subject English: Phase 1 = Years 1-2 in my standards

Provide your mapping of IB Phases to year levels on your account. E.g. Phase 1 = Years 1-2

The year levels from your Standards set may differ from the year levels at your school. You can view your Year labels on ManageBac via Settings > Menu > Years. Please confirm how you wish to map year levels in your Standards to year levels on your ManageBac account. e.g. ManageBac Year 6 = Common Core Grade 5

ManageBac Standards can be organised with a header, secondary header and sub-header. e.g. Header: Language Secondary header: Conventions of Standard English Sub-header: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Provide examples of how you want the Overall Expectations formatted

Please enter any further details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

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